But deposit spreads should widen as rates rise, because Banks can delay passing on some of the extra interest to savers.
Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with thebankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
On, for instance, a deposit of $3,400 -- the average minimum required to avoid monthly fees, according to Bankrate.com data -- that amounts to just $4.42 in annual interest.
While cash was king for much of 2007, yields on instruments such as money-market accounts and certificates of deposit have dropped along with short-term interest rates.
To keep the banks strong when they were getting such little interest on their reserves, the central bank has kept deposit rates low.
The following spreadsheet shows the annual interest earned on different deposit amounts from different sources.
The interest rates in currency swaps can also be decided by the two parties, though they must be in line with the central bank's rules on deposit and loan rates, SAFE said.
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates.
Deposit interest rate's enhancement means that the bank cost the rise, the rate on loan reduces means the bank income the reduction.
Internet money funds offer yields of around 6 per cent per year, almost twice the average interest paid on a one-year bank deposit.
Customers to deposit, which shall be for savers collective contribution, in order to win the savers collective on its return, which can be picked up later with low interest rates of housing loans.
In handling savings businesses, savings institutions shall observe the principles of voluntariness in depositing, freedom of withdrawal, interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
The Company maintains cash which is not presently required for operations on deposit which earns interest at a floating rate.
Individuals' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with Banks on a voluntary basis, withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors' identity ensured.
Individuals 'foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with Banks on a voluntary basis withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors 'identity ensured.
It pays interest on the deposit and it collects interest on the loans and it charges a higher interest on the loan than they pay on the deposit.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
Interest on time deposits is payable only at maturity of the deposit period, when it will be credited to the principal sum in the absence of instructions to the contrary.
On the one hand, although policies of raising interest rates and the deposit reserve requirement ratio have been introduced, it is impossible to change the situation of excess liquidity.
Through an analysis of premature withdrawal, the corresponding interests payment and the following impacts on bank risk compensation, this paper studies the issue of deposit interest rates pricing.
The eurodollar market was given another major boost when the american federal reserve board place limits on deposit interest rates in the united states.
Lowering the deposit interest rates. All the annual deposit interest rates shall be lowered 0.25% at an average on the basis of the current rates (see Table 1).
Lowering the deposit interest rates. All the annual deposit interest rates shall be lowered 0.25% at an average on the basis of the current rates (see Table 1).