In the absence of much economic data today the markets will concentrate on news coming out of the wires and interest rate differentials.
It led to a radical narrowing of interest rate differentials and that in turn generated real estate bubbles in countries like Spain Greece and Ireland.
Rising interest rate differentials relative to European short - and long-term assets made private sector purchases of dollar-denominated assets more attractive.
As long as the ECB remains committed to its exit policy then the euro should remain supported by favourable interest rate differentials with the other major economies.
In the absence of much economic data today the market is likely to concentrate on interest rate differentials after US Treasury yields broke their long-term range on Friday.
In the past week or so, Japanese individuals have significantly increased foreign exchange margin trading to buy dollars and sell yen to take advantage of the interest rate differentials.
Either way, the trend is towards a narrowing of interest-rate differentials, making the carry trade less profitable.
Another reason for the rise in Eurocurrency business and for its ability to operate at smaller interest-rate differentials relates to taxation.
This paper introduces threshold nonlinearity into RMB to investigate the relationship between real exchange rate and real interest differentials.
This paper introduces threshold nonlinearity into RMB to investigate the relationship between real exchange rate and real interest differentials.