As this risk premium varies, it might overwhelm the effects of interest-rate changes.
Credit spreads-that is to say, the risk premium over and above the riskless rate of interest-widened to unprecedented levels and eventually the stock market also was overwhelmed by panic.
One possibility is that investors demand a risk premium, separate from the better interest rate, to compensate them for investing in a foreign currency.
This paper USES interest rate premium and term premium to measure currency risk under currency board system.
Asset pricing is considered as the core of modern finance; it involves puzzles such as the equity premium puzzle and the risk-free rate puzzle, which have attracted an extensive research interest.
If the average risk premium rises above the strike rate in three months, the higher interest payments will be offset by gains from the option.
If the average risk premium rises above the strike rate in three months, the higher interest payments will be offset by gains from the option.