When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences.
The practical reason for understanding the electrical nature of ash plumes is that they can interfere with aircraft radio communication.
Temperature and relative humidity depend on the product and nature of the operations carried out. These parameters should not interfere with the defined cleanliness standard.
The neutral floor of large basalt flags does not interfere with the visual nature of the interiors.
The amendments do not interfere at all with the nature or details of the Arab League mission to Syria, and do not hamper its work or its freedom in practising its role.
I believe that its my family which exerts a tremendous interfere with the formation of my personal nature. My harmonious family has also developed my personal interests.
Some nature lovers feared it would interfere with the flight patterns of birds over Paris.
有些自然爱好者担心 铁塔破坏了 巴黎从高空俯瞰时所呈的飞鸟形状。
Some nature lovers feared it would interfere with the flight patterns of birds over Paris.
有些自然爱好者担心 铁塔破坏了 巴黎从高空俯瞰时所呈的飞鸟形状。