Calphalon Tri-ply Copper cookware's 18/10 stainless steel interior surface is non-reactive.
But this time measurements and modal data are only collected for the interior surface of the structure.
NOTE: the interior surface of steel towers must be dry enough to be walked upon prior to further assembly work.
The filter vessel should be made of stainless steel or the interior surface should be coated with an epoxy to prevent corrosion.
The stationary portion includes a housing, a stator component provided to the housing, and a tube providing an interior surface.
In this regard, the ring clamp includes a band forming a first retention means on an exterior surface and a second retention means formed on an interior surface.
The sheath comprises a tubular structure having an exterior surface (12) of a sidewall (13) and a lumen (14) enclosed by an interior surface (16) of the sidewall.
The smooth interior surface is achieved through mechanical polishing and generally followed by electropolishing, which removes the surface layer and its impurities.
Our high silica lining provides a tough interior surface for water heater tanks, which must withstand the wearing effects of high volume and high temperature hot water.
Passing through clear glass margins, light strikes the interior surface of these veils causing them to glow with natural light during the day and light from the sanctuary8at night.
Passing through clear glass margins, light strikes the interior surface of these veils causing them to glow with natural light during the day and light from the sanctuary8 at night.
Canadian geophysicist Tuzo Wilson realized that this age progression could result if the islands were formed on a surface plate moving over a fixed volcanic source in the interior.
加拿大地球物理学家 Tuzo Wilson意识到,如果一块在内部固定火山源上移动的表面板块形成了岛屿,就会导致岛屿年龄增加。
Nevertheless, astronomers still believed that when a comet approached the Sun—where they could study it—the Sun's intense heat would remove the corrupted surface layer, exposing the interior.
Although the temperature estimate is not yet definitive, the hotter the surface temperature makes for a hotter interior, strengthening the chances of pools of liquid water inside the moon.
New Horizons' infrared observations may provide insight into the composition of the moon's surface and interior.
Its surface is surprisingly dewy and its interior contains more water than previous analyses of moon rocks have indicated, according to new studies.
For a sunspot to form on the solar surface, the magnetic field needs to attain a certain strength to push the surface plasma aside, exposing the solar interior as a cool spot — a sunspot.
NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, mission spacecraft will orbit the moon before landing on the lunar surface.
Thin wooden slats circle the unit to provide a smooth running surface to roll it and openings on the side and slated Windows let light into the interior.
Geologic features imply that liquid water once flowed across the surface, and volcanic activity, now dead, once flourished, recycling chemicals and minerals between the surface and the interior.
Wooden floors run through the interior, matching the surface of the terrace, and there are also some wooden panels cladding the walls.
If If a volcano erupts, some of the Earth's interior heat will escape to the surface.
Projecting from the grassy surface are a group of black funnels that direct daylight into the otherwise dark interior, where visitors can dine or participate in wine tastings.
This paper introduces the basic method for diagnosing interior faults of diesel engine by the use of surface vibration signals.
Recent research has shown that certain types of genetic damage, common to many cancer cells, lead to the movement of PKB from the interior of the cell to its surface membrane.
The interior Spaces are conceived as neutral, with a continuous white painted surface, creating a background against which exhibits are highlighted and a continuous iroko wood floor.
These processes, as well as providing acoustic isolation and a surface for finishes, also air-seal the interior.
Light reaching the building is filtered through the louvred surface and reaches the interior through small Windows.
Light reaching the building is filtered through the louvred surface and reaches the interior through small Windows.