For practical purposes, prefixes are required when you intermix vocabularies.
These works, he writes, intermix the empirical world with a transcendent element.
Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved.
A residential feeling: Mr. Wong says that in a place like New York City, residential and retail businesses intermix.
Humans learned to manipulate DNA and intermix that which may have never intermixed if left to natural world procreation.
However, you can create multiple charting views within a single List portlet and intermix charting views with standard table views.
The beverage intermix plant is the most important part in the whole product line. Its performance affects directly the component and taste of the beverage.
The beverage intermix plant is the most important part in the whole production line. Its performance directly affects the component and taste of the beverage.
Schema definitions and XSLT stylesheets may intermix the elements and attributes of their language with elements and attributes from other namespaces, so prefixes are needed.
The brilliance of these idioms is that they coexist quite peacefully with each other. Any user can freely intermix the two idioms, or stick consistently with one or the other.
The brilliance of these idioms is that they coexist quite peacefully with each other. Any user can freely intermix the two idioms, or stick consistently with one or the other.