Knight plays George o 'malley, a doctor who had to re-take his intern exam and has had no end of romantic trouble, including a quickie marriage and divorce to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Callie Torres.
Knight饰演Georgeo'Malley医生,他不得不重修实习生考试而且有搞不完的情感纠纷,包括与骨科医生Callie Torres的闪电结婚和离婚。
Knight plays George o 'malley, a doctor who had to re-take his intern exam and has had no end of romantic trouble, including a quickie marriage and divorce to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Callie Torres.
Knight饰演Georgeo'Malley医生,他不得不重修实习生考试而且有搞不完的情感纠纷,包括与骨科医生Callie Torres的闪电结婚和离婚。