Our concern is with movement between nations, not with internal migration within nations, although such movements often exceed international movements in volume.
In these circumstances, internal migration in China does not follow the normal law of push and pull.
For instance, Brazil's northeast, long the source of internal migration to more-prosperous cities down south, now outpaces the rest of the country in growth.
With the removal of internal migration restrictions in the European Union in 1992, Europeans have become more sensitive to tax differences between countries.
Just as those who doubt the vitality of the American Dream need only look at the queues for green cards, so those who scoff at Dixie should watch America's internal migration.
Mr Labak says there is no high-quality credit bureau to provide details on repayment records of potential clients, and high levels of internal migration make arrears collection difficult.
One of the factors that can influence migration process is the difference in internal implementations of optimization techniques between JVMs from different vendors.
Secondly, the thesis analyzes the affect factors of the enterprise migration decision which includes the factors of internal condition and external environment.
In wave equation migration using finite element method, a great deal of computer's internal storage and computer time are used because of too many unknowns involved.
Meticulous depiction of internal structure of fault zone inside basin is great significant in analysis the role of fault in the oil and gas migration and accumulation.
Meticulous depiction of internal structure of fault zone inside basin is great significant in analysis the role of fault in the oil and gas migration and accumulation.