For testing or internal use, you can instead generate your own self-signed certificates.
This transcript is the property of the Los AngelesPolice Department and is for internal use only.
The project actually started with a very simple ASP framework written for internal use back in 1999.
Applications delivered using Naked Objects are suitable for internal use only: not for public access.
Of course, you may not want your videos to be seen by the masses if they are meant for internal use only.
Is intended for internal use (as opposed to mass-produced, packaged software intended for external consumers).
The components described in this article have been used at IBM in composite applications developed for internal use.
What really makes the architecture special is its heavy internal use of a concept called Inversion of Control (IOC).
真正使 Geronimo 的体系结构与众不同的是,其在内部使用了大量的称为控制反转(Inversionof Control,IOC)的概念。
Highly robust, easily configured attribute-value level authorization for trading partner queries and for internal use.
Please fill in this form in BLOCK LETTERS. All data will be treated in strict confidence and for internal use only.
If the manual employee data input mechanism is not suitable for your internal use, you should consider other alternatives.
The Russian archives show that there were generally not two sets of Numbers: a false set for publication and a true set for internal use.
A service portfolio is a list of various services that are offered by an enterprise, either for external consumption or for internal use.
However, if you're developing a plan for internal use only, you may not need to include all the background details that you already know.
Similarly, when any company in any industry produces higher quality software for either internal use or external sale -- it raises the bar.
Please fill in this form in BLOCK LETTERS for computer processing. All data will be treated in strict confidence and for internal use only.
Besides keeping track of purchasing and internal use over time, there's the problem of choosing between device-based and user-based licensing.
The meter and accounting service stores the relationship between the requestor and provider as detailed in the contract buy the internal use of certificates.
It is useful not only when companies want to keep their definitions separate, but also when companies want to add on to an industry standard for internal use.
Corporate computer information networks and other networks which are connected with international networks through special lines shall be operated for internal use only.
When you build the system for internal use, you use an internal build configuration, and when you build it for external use, you use a configuration that includes the aspects.
This plan creates a resource adapter instance and the connection factory needed to create two queues, MDBTransferBeanOutQueue and SendReceiveQueue, for internal use (Listing 11).
此计划将创建一个资源适配器实例和一个连接工厂,后者是创建供内部使用的两个队列(MDBTransferBeanOutQueue 和SendReceiveQueue)所需要的(清单11)。
However, we have developed some useful tools and libraries for internal use while building GPU.NET, which we'll release as open-source projects at some point after the v1.0 release.
This is partially due to its internal use of a document model, but the amount of memory used by JBind is several times larger than that needed by a document model (such as dom4j) alone.
这有一部分是由于它在内部使用了文档模型,但是JBind使用的内存量要比单独使用文档模型(如dom 4 j)所需的内存量大好几倍。
We will continue our discussion with managing internal use of the inventory, managing physical inventory that can be used to perform stock counting, and a way to migrate the existing material.
She shunned bodily ornamentation and strove to use only the natural movements of her body, undistorted by acrobatic exaggeration and stimulated only by internal compulsion.
You can use either the internal web browser provided or external web browsers.
As your software development project and development team grow, you might need to create reference documentation such as a user guide for internal or external use.
As your software development project and development team grow, you might need to create reference documentation such as a user guide for internal or external use.