It's not yet the futuristic international business hub that planners imagined.
Just building a place as an "international business district" doesn't mean it will become one.
According to the International Business Times, electric car sales are expected to increase as Volkswagen is still recovering from its emissions scandal.
Just building a place as an "international business district" doesn't mean it will become one. Park Yeon Soo conceived this city of the future back in 1986.
The government built the bridge directly from the airport to the Songdo International Business District, and the surface infrastructure was built at the same time as the new airport.
In 1993, we started to train self -paying students for international business.
Royal Dutch Shell already owns a 10 percent stake in Arrow's international business.
So if you are involved in international business, you can expect your career to stay safe.
"If you're a bad traveller and run an international business, it's a nightmare," he says.
Resentment at the complexity of native speakers' English is widespread in international business.
W: Irrevocable letter of credit, of course. It's the normal terms of payment in international business.
Now, according to reports in the International Business Times, the handsets could be on sale early next year.
Ms. Tang, a junior majoring in management and international business, speaks confident, if not flawless, English.
He renamed the company International Business Machines (in 1924) because he found the original name too limiting.
Earlier this year, International Business Machines Corp. manager Kate Riley Tennant wanted to reassign some engineers.
今年早些时候,国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corp .)的一位经理凯特•塔南特(KateRiley Tennant)希望重新分配部分工程师的工作。
Lenovo made a push into international markets after acquiring the PC arm of international Business Machines Corp. in 2005.
Today, the majority of its revenue comes from that international business, which hosts a large number of Chinese suppliers.
That number is inflated by London's role as a global financial hub where foreign Banks cluster to do international business.
Germany only got round to founding an international business school in 2002, and started small MBA classes two years ago.
The reason millions are learning it is simple: it is the language of international business and therefore the key to prosperity.
Sales from the retailer’s international business, which accounts for around a quarter of its profit, boosted its overall results.
The term 'ant tribe' was coined by Lian Si, a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.
For the present, I want to change into another major, finance or international business. I will also continue to learn Chinese accounting.
不过现在为时已晚了,我只想换一个专业,金融或者国际商务, 然后再自己把中国的会计慢慢学好再说吧.
International Business Machines (IBM) has agreed to a settlement in a bribery case filed by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC).
This is the growing pressure on Banks and financial institutions to retreat from international business and concentrate on domestic markets.
This is the growing pressure on Banks and financial institutions to retreat from international business and concentrate on domestic markets.