In the long haul, Euro will be a relatively stable currency and will play an important role in the international currency system.
Foreign exchange reserve is the core of international currency system, and also the important problem of international financial field.
The European Union can obtain the currency which equals to American dollar, and it has a great influence on international currency system.
FER an important part of the international currency system, FER is then an important content within international economic system of a country.
And support for "a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty".
The problem here is that China is not tied into the international financial system with a convertible currency, so it cannot spread risk on a global scale.
So each country is accelerating the process of financial liberalization to make the national currency occupy a tiny space in the international monetary system.
And the other is that it is possible to create the non-sovereign international re- serve currency, and the precondition is eliminating "hegemony" in the international monetary system.
Existing international monetary system is the world's reserve currency U. S. dollar-based system.
Improve the international monetary system, improve the reserve currency issuing regulatory regime and maintain relative stability of exchange rates of major reserve currencies.
Under the future international carbon currency system, China's comparative advantage in export will very likely be offset by the purchase of carbon currency.
S. dollar under the current monetary system. We should be making efforts to support the dollar-based currency system, on which today's international economic and financial systems rely.
Namely RMB becomes convertible and multifunctional international currency, and accounts for a relatively large proportion in international monetary system.
Since the collapse of the Breton Woods System, the international monetary system has entered a multi-reserve currency stage.
Xie Duo, director of the financial markets department at the People's Bank of China, says that the Chinese currency will eventually play a much larger role in the international financial system.
中国人民银行(PeoplesBank of China)金融市场司司长谢多表示,人民币最终将在国际金融体系中发挥更大的作用。
Xie Duo, director of the financial markets department at the People's Bank of China, says that the Chinese currency will eventually play a much larger role in the international financial system.
中国人民银行(PeoplesBank of China)金融市场司司长谢多表示,人民币最终将在国际金融体系中发挥更大的作用。