To see why, leave behind the first Bretton Woods conference for the more recent history of international financial regulation.
This is why there is no international standard on tax evasion or tax competition along the lines of international standards on bank regulation or fighting financial crime.
Third strengthen international cooperation in financial supervision and regulation and guard against the build-up and spread of financial risks.
"I don't think you are going to get a big 'buy in' on the more extreme proposals for capping bonuses," added Richard Reid, director of research at the International Center for Financial Regulation.
Why financial markets fail and how bank regulation takes account of the risks facing international banks.
We both believe that international cooperation on financial regulation should be strengthened to prevent the buildup and spread of financial risks.
With International Accounting Standard being accepted widely, the regulation of adopting fair value measurement to financial assets will cause great banking revolution in IAS39.
At the same time, it is necessary to establish and improve international financial supervision and regulation mechanisms.
Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation, to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks, and to seize and control market.
Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation, to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks, and to seize and control market.