It is an international hotspot by using "iron fertilizer" to increase Marine primary productivity, absorbing atmospheric CO2 and reducing the greenhouse effect.
International disputes and hotspot issues should be settled by peaceful means. The international community should strongly oppose the willful use or threat of force.
China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the international community, will continue to make every effort for the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues.
Nevertheless, Shanghai has become a hotspot for tourists, vacationers, and—of course—international business travelers.
The research of analyzing and managing the steaming data in the international database research domain is a current hotspot.
So protecting plant resources and rescuing the rare and endangered plants have become attention hotspot for international society.
We are actively involved in finding solutions to global and hotspot issues and undertaking more international responsibilities commensurate with our own strength and capability.
Fair value accounting has emerged as a hotspot in the international accounting area.
We seek peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues and greater international and regional security cooperation.
The rehabilitative robot is an important offset of the medical robot, has been an research hotspot in the field of the international robot, its study has the important meaning.
The research of users' information need is always an attention hotspot in the international field of library and information science.
Combination of special properties of various materials prepared by high performance composite coating has become a hotspot of international concern.
Security for composition of protocols is hotspot of international scope.
The technique of feature extraction of ship-radiated noise is of importance to underwater equipment, and it is a hotspot and difficult area in the national and international research.
Now the study of QF rings has been a hotspot in international algebraic world.
Q F环的研究已成为近期国际代数学界研究的热点。
The protection of traditional knowledge as intellectual property protection in the international coordination problems has been a hotspot and highlights its necessity.
Well-known trademarks have become a hotspot problem in intellectual Properties' international protection field again since 1990s in the 20lh century.
The microcomputer protect device testing method as one of the core part in the relay testing apparatus has become the hotspot subject in the domestic and international protect fields.
This paper analyses the hotspot in international water resources research, summaries the conversion and progress in water resources management of large river basins in China.
Image compression becomes the hotspot of international academia along with the wide use of network and the rapid development of the multimedia techniques.
In recent years multi-sources data fusion techniques have already been an international research hotspot in Remote Sensing.
The international community needs to step up coordination and common response, and offer support for proper settlement of hotspot issues in the interest of world peace and regional stability.
The problem of water management not only becomes the focus which international communities pay attention to, but also becomes hotspot which scholars research on.
As a new non-invasive cancer treatment method, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy has become a hotspot in international ultrasound treatment field.
Patent parallel imports is concerned and regarded as hotspot by all country in intellectual property right and international trade field.
Patent parallel imports is concerned and regarded as hotspot by all country in intellectual property right and international trade field.