The assistance that the courts of one state lend to courts or litigants of another state is referred to as "international judicial assistance".
Interregional judicial assistance stands between international judicial assistance and local judicial assistance, but differs from both of them.
In the last part the article gives four Suggestions through the analysis of the losing and gain of China's international judicial assistance in criminal matters.
The better way to reduce and avoid conflicts of extraterritorial discovery is the compromise settlement among all nations and strengthening international judicial assistance.
Although international judicial assistance is possible without formal international agreements, the existence of such agreements generally improve cooperation among national courts.
Thus, bilateral and multilateral treaties have been entered into by a number of states including the United states dealing with particular aspects of international judicial assistance.
We call on the international community to provide necessary assistance to the littoral countries in their judicial capacity building.
Transfer of criminal in interregional criminal judicial assistance and extradition in international criminal judicial assistance are different in nature but similar in problem.
Judicial assistance plays a great role in settling this kind of international cases, of which service abroad is an important part.
Judicial assistance plays a great role in settling this kind of international cases, of which service abroad is an important part.