In 2006 the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) suggested a possible solution.
She was also elected as counsellor to the Board of the International Society of Quality Assurance.
Overall, the study of the international society of malicious prosecution is progressed than the domestic.
Qu is regarded as the Father of Environmental Protection in China while is widely praised by international society.
The final settlement of debt problem needs the common endeavor of both international society and African countries.
Organized crimes and their transnational activities have been the focus questions concerned by international society.
Controlling and punishing the crime of money laundry is a common duty of international society including our country.
In present international society, the indirect enforcement pattern should not be emphasized, reinforced and perfected.
Challenge, risk and opportunity the public resources face has attracted much attention from the international society.
The most obvious characteristic of current international society is that the NGO international network is taking shape.
Dr Jayanthi reported results at the international Society for Tennis Medicine and Science World Congress in Valencia, Spain.
Not only is the limitation of liability a public policy of International society, but it is a public policy of our country.
So protecting plant resources and rescuing the rare and endangered plants have become attention hotspot for international society.
And as they told a meeting of the International Society for Human Ethology in Madison Wisconsin on August 2nd they found that it could.
Referring the west system, the relevant stipulation of China Contract Law will be further approached to the rule of international society.
Non-traditional security is being taken more and more seriously by the international society, the most of which discussed is oil (energy).
At present, river deterioration has been already accepted as a global environment problem and been widely concerned by the international society.
Upon the occurrence of this financial crisis, the international society took prompt actions and adopted 'some countermeasures at different levels.
Global change, especially the climate warming is affecting the survival environment of human. International society has paid great attention to it.
Beyond coordination or commitment of existing interests, membership in sectors of international society may socialize states to new sets of interests.
In the international society, China and Japan are close neighbors separated only by a strip of water. They have intimate historical and cultural relations.
As a researcher of military and martial history, he was awarded the International Society of Logistics Engineers' Graduate researcher of the Year award in 1983.
South Koreans have more plastic surgery than people in any other nation, according to figures released by the International Society of Aesthetic plastic Surgeons.
The international society should fulfill its aid promise made in the Madrid Meeting and strengthen the coordination among all countries and international organizations.
The results were presented at the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions in San Francisco, California, USA.
There are statutes about ship mortgage not only in civil law countries, but also in common law countries, and international society has codified related conventions.
There are statutes about ship mortgage not only in civil law countries, but also in common law countries, and international society has codified related conventions.