As an important component of international taxation relation, international taxation Agreement has lasted a history of one hundred of years.
The aforesaid analysis report shall be reported to the State Administration of Taxation (International Taxation Department) before January 31 of the next year.
Multinational taxpayers design their international taxation by taking advantage of the differences of tax policy and tax system in different countries and regions.
Various countries and international organizations have paid their attention to prevention of international tax avoidance, which has developed to be a focus in international taxation law.
Tax coordination can avoid double taxation, tax evasion and excessive tax competition, so the necessity and importance of the international tax coordination are increasing under the current situation.
Thirdly, the "over-separation" between the national tax law and international business accounting rule result in enhancement of the burden of taxation and the executive cost.
And international competition promotes concern about both levels of taxation and the effect of social insurance contributions on Labour costs.
Upon being accepted by WTO, the completeness of taxation sovereign, the utility of present taxation system and the levy of taxation in China have met with challenges from international competition.
How to effectively avoid international double taxation, is the challenge that Chinas foreign tax system have to face.
There are now two principles in the international tax jurisdiction, which forms the jurisdiction of income resource of the state taxation, resident jurisdiction and citizen jurisdiction.
Under the environment of e-commerce, implement single income source place tax revenue jurisdiction to be able the thorough settlement international society's dual taxation problem.
The permanent establishment is a concept introduced in the international economics and society for solving the international dual taxation problem.
This dissertation studies capital income taxation under international tax competition with the consideration of actual capital income taxation system.
This part introduces the accountant of price (inflation accountant mainly), double taxation of international tax revenue, evade payment of duty and anti-evade payment of duty.
Jinhai Cheng International logistics is a state industry and commerce, taxation, transportation, and other administrative approval, with legal business status of the logistics enterprise.
During the mining cycle, it is of significance to study the international mining taxation for China's mining tax system.
Following the increase in international trade and investments, more and more bilateral tax treaties are created to avoid international double taxation.
Part three analyses the predicament of e-commerce taxation and its Origin from the angles of taxation substantive laws, tax collection and management system, international tax avoidance.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has published two new taxpayer alerts that warn against international profit shifting by multinational companies.
The second part is the international comparison of the legal system of securities taxation and its revelation.
Article 2 the joint tax audit of foreign-related enterprises shall be conducted or organized by the international (foreign-related) taxation department of the taxation authority at each level.
The International Comparison of Securities Exchange Taxation and its Implications;
The International Comparison of Securities Exchange Taxation and its Implications;