In the end, an international treaty is only as binding as participating countries want it to be.
"International treaty law" plainly includes the Convention, which entered into force in 1994.
First, resolutely maintaining the international treaty regime on arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation.
On the conflicts of international treaty and domestic law, our country thinks the treaty is supreme to domestic law.
The civil exclusive jurisdiction is the jurisdiction stipulated according to international treaty or the domestic law.
Not only all WTO members should obey it, but also it's the most complete international treaty on the protection of GIs.
They use the MPOWER technical assistance package developed by WHO to help meet their commitments under this international treaty.
In the common theory of international treaty law and the practice of WTO, the WTO rules is a legal part of international law.
Indonesia has not signed the international treaty. But its Health Ministry proposes to ban all forms of cigarette advertising.
The representative of China stated that China had been consistently performing its international treaty obligations in good faith.
Much of the world seems oblivious to international treaty law, but it does respond to concrete environmental action based on that law.
Urge the countries that have not yet ratified the WHO Framework Convention to join those that are already Parties to the international treaty.
In the early 18th century, balance of power, as a principle of international relations, was formally recorded into the international Treaty.
However Mr Lamers said there needs to be a binding international treaty that will limit the number of tourists and landings allowed in Antarctica.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an international treaty which was adopted in May 2003 by the 56th World Health Assembly.
Back in 1997 America's Senate voted by 95-0 to reject any international treaty on climate change that did not embrace industrial rivals such as China.
With the international treaty which protect the business secret information appeared, the protection system have becoming the diverse law system.
Thee company said it prohibited sales of raw ivory that breached a 1989 international treaty but not of ivory ornaments produced before that date.
雅虎日本称,象牙原料交易违背1989年的国际公约,确实明令禁止,但1989年前生产的象牙装饰品交易却并不违法。 。
Meanwhile, Norway promises to be a "driving force" for a new international treaty on climate change to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012.
Representatives from more than 100 countries have been meeting in Dublin in an effort to draft, by May 30th, an international treaty to ban cluster bombs.
As the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO, the Convention provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.
The WHO FCTC is the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO and provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.
It's been clear for a while that the December talks were not going to produce any kind of final international treaty that nations could simply ratify, he says.
Our country historically pays attention to the protection of criminal minor, but still far from the requirement of the International treaty which our country signs.
The production and release of CFCs has been internationally banned in the Montreal Protocol, but the U. S. nuclear industry openly flouts this international treaty.
First, Pacta Sunt Servanda principle is the leading principle of solving territorial disputes; international treaty is the overriding criterion of solving territorial disputes.
The White House is anxious to show some progress on emissions before more than 180 nations meet in Copenhagen in December to hammer out a new international treaty on global warming.
The White House is anxious to show some progress on emissions before more than 180 nations meet in Copenhagen in December to hammer out a new international treaty on global warming.