For audience's attitude to Internet advertising, it's absolutely important meaning for evaluate, brand attitude and purchase intention, that network advertisement effect.
Thanks to advertising programmes such as Google's Adsense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, any Internet page can now make money.
由于谷歌(Google)的Adsense和YahooPublisher Net work等广告程序的问世,任何互联网网页现在都能赚钱。
Dentsu Beijing Network Interaction Center, AISASModel—Reconstructing the Consumer Behavior Patterns in the Internet Era, Modern Advertising, 2007, (2).
北京电通网络互动中心,AISAS模式—重构网络时代的消费者行为模式。现代广告,2007, (2)。
Dentsu Beijing Network Interaction Center, AISASModel—Reconstructing the Consumer Behavior Patterns in the Internet Era, Modern Advertising, 2007, (2).
北京电通网络互动中心,AISAS模式—重构网络时代的消费者行为模式。现代广告,2007, (2)。