The departing time interval control is concise, effective and a basic method of solving the problem of queuing.
The speed-interval control of high-speed trains adopts the one-step braking curve mode, and multi-step braking curve is as a standby mode.
The timer circuits in accordance with the prescribed time interval control online and offline tower, thus make the switch of dry air and desiccant can continuously regeneration.
The essence of the affairs is the absence of corresponding theory and theoretical instructions. Based on the brief analyses of the theory on velocity interval control of automatic block system with m…
本文在简要分析多信息自动闭塞系统速度 -间隔理论的基础上 ,建立了列车速度 -间隔控制方案的优化模型 ,介绍了模型的求解和实用算法的构造并给出了算例。
The SLM features enable you to control the workload, the credential executing it, and the time interval when it is being processed.
The user is able to control both the polling interval and the duration of the execution.
By setting the Timeout Interval to 55 minutes, we are guaranteed that a control message will be setup for the next hour.
You should increase the build interval for remote projects to reduce the load on their version-control repositories.
Fabric and flame seem impossible to exist in harmony, but here, with fine control of flame by appropriate speed and interval, the quality of the fabric is greatly improved.
Measurement Process Control is adopted for a measuring instrument to guarantee its precision in the interval of two calibrations.
Control limits and sampling interval are two essential parameters of control chart.
To solve the contradiction between target tracking accuracy and observation interval, an algorithm of calculating observation time based on target estimate covariance control was presented.
Results Prespecified relative width may regulate and control the precision of confidence interval and may reflects magnitude of the sample size.
Sample size formulae that control the width of confidence interval with a certain confidence level are proposed.
The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem.
Moreover we use the conclusions solving the R-controllability of interval singular systems with control delay.
并利用所得结果,解决了控制时滞线性时不变区间奇异系统的R -能控问题。
In order to control the subsidence of the interval tunnel and guarantee the safety of operation strictly, pipe-jacking is used as pre-support for the first time.
Based on interval analysis and displacement finite element method, the static displacement response analysis of structure comes down to solve the interval finite element control equation.
A new iterative learning control (ILC) updating law is proposed for the tracking control of continuous linear system over a finite time interval.
Interval between first case and the reported date, quarantine measures, category of disease and transmission route were the influencing factors to the effectiveness of control.
Measures of crevices preventing such as the control of temperature and interval of expansion joint are given forth.
The relationship between the sampling interval and the performance of control charts was analyzed using the average run time as a comparison standard.
If a system can transfer toward arbitrary desired state from the arbitrary initial state within a finite time interval under the governing of the control action, then it has controllability.
Under population follow normal distribution hypothesis, designing combine median-range adaptive control charts with variable sampling interval, variable sample size and variable control limit .
It is mainly composed of DMA controller (82c37), interrupt controller (82c59), programmable interval timers (82c54), DRAM refresh control, wait state generator and system reset logic.
The paper is devoted to the computation of largest viable set in a closed interval for one-dimensional hybrid control systems.
This paper deals with the problem of resilient guaranteed cost control for a class of generalized interval systems.
The key to achieving initiative control of vibration damage by means of wave interference is to ascertain reasonable delay time interval.
In each control interval, only one controller is executed.
In each control interval, only one controller is executed.