The poison inhibits protein synthesis in intestinal wall cells and can result in death.
This acid binds with zinc and moves it across your intestinal wall and into your blood stream.
Results Pathological findings suggested the nerve plexus in the intestinal wall of STC degenerated and decreased.
In conclusion, the mechanical properties in the intestinal wall are anisotropic and remodel during treatment with EGF.
We measure the number of the intestinal segment being involved, the thickness of intestinal wall and the intestinal stenosis.
No significant difference was observed in the thickness of intestinal wall in different Lactobacillus preparation groups (P>0.05);
It has to survive a journey through the stomach and reach the intestines intact before crossing the intestinal wall into circulation.
Small intestinal wall thickness and villus height in newborn IUGR piglets were significantly lower than those in normal piglets(P<0.05).
Sodium aescinate mechanisms may be reduce the intestinal wall edema, reduce the enteric inflammatory exudate, and promote intestinal peristalsis.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of Multi-spiral ct in large intestine subarea and measuring intestinal wall thickness.
A gastrointestinal liner developed by Massachusetts-based GI Dynamics may restore the obese to a healthy weight by preventing food from contacting the intestinal wall.
Gastrointestinalliner这种装置由麻省的GI Dymanics公司研发,通过在在摄入的食物和胃肠壁之间建立物理屏障,它可能使超重的患者逐渐恢复正常体重。
Results:The ultrasonic characteristics of ulcerative colitis were the thickening of intestinal wall with decreased echo, narrowing of intestinal lumen, and loss of gas in it.
Abstract: there exists a huge amount of flora with complex structures in the animals' intestine; also, there are many powerful mucosal lymphocytes within the intestinal wall.
The thinking behind this is that it is coming from the gut because alcohol changes the permeability of the intestinal wall and gram-negative bacteria live there in their billions.
By observing the size, wall structure and inside of the lesion, intestinal duplication could be easily differentiated from intestinal cyst.
Abstract: an experiment was conducted to determine the effects of yeast cell wall polysaccharides on intestinal volatile fatty acids and microbial flora of weaned piglets.
Lactobacillus powder and Culture fluid could increase ileum villi, increased wall thickening, improved the growth of broiler intestinal evidently.
Lactobacillus powder and Culture fluid could increase ileum villi, increased wall thickening, improved the growth of broiler intestinal evidently.