Moreover, it avoids the huge requirement of inverse mapping by taking advantage of the template technique, which has improved the computation efficiency without artificial rendering error.
The inverse mapping is achieved through BP network, and neural network modul is constructed for designing process parameters.
Because the two inverse mappings of the mapping from a lattice to another lattice are defined, the Continuity of the lattice topology is comprehensively described.
There is no explicit formulation of inverse mapping about the isoparametric element, so inverse mapping is avoided in finite element analysis.
Based on the new method, the paper discusses an inverse mapping of rational parameter surface, also, the implicit equation of the parametric equation is obtained.
Meanwhile a HCMAC neural network is fabricated to replace the complex calculation of the inverse Jacobian mapping.
The third step is to establish the mapping model by introducing the filter function which is the inverse function of the polish function;
The displacement boundary values of the small model use the results of the large model, which are obtained by interpolating with numerical inverse isoparametric mapping.
We improved arithmetics of Mercator mapping transform and inverse transform.
Jacobian matrix and force-mapping matrix are calculated from the inverse-kinematics of the parallel-mechanism.
First a partial differential diffusion equation is applied to solve the inverse map of robots which can keep the topology conserving performance during mapping.
Dynamic and static mapping techniques are introduced here as the qualitative methods while statistical methods, inverse calculation and principle component analysis are introduced a.
This paper redefines depth map object recognition in precise mathematical terms as a generalized inverse set mapping.
Dynamic and static mapping techniques are introduced here as the qualitative methods while statistical methods, inverse calculation and principle component analysis are introduced a.
They consist of the mapping of properties from one modality to another. Mapping from lower modalities of sense onto higher ones is more frequently used and more natural than its inverse.
Geometric dichotomy method is innovated and used for inverse isoparametric mapping in linear finite element, of which a property is proved and served as the foundation.
Dynamic and static mapping techniques are introduced as the qualitative methods. Statistical methods, inverse calculation and principle component analysis are introduced as the quantitative methods.
Dynamic and static mapping techniques are introduced as the qualitative methods. Statistical methods, inverse calculation and principle component analysis are introduced as the quantitative methods.