When I invested my money with the company I was told it was as safe as the Rock of Gibraltar.
With around $500,000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory.
At the other extreme are "competitors", almost all of whose resources are invested in building a huge body, with a bare minimum allocated to reproduction.
The constitution invested him with certain powers.
Odours are invested with cultural values: smells that are considered to be offensive in some cultures may be perfectly acceptable in others.
The technology is so fine-tuned then that even a non-sound, when carefully placed in a particular position, has been invested with a specific function.
The advisers also meet with students privately and stay in touch with parents, so they are deeply invested in the students' success.
With so much time invested in communicating by keyboard, having a real life – let alone real-time conversation – seems an increasingly unrealisable challenge.
In general, and with rare exceptions, the returns in love situations are roughly proportional to the amount of time and devotion invested.
The time for testing and maintenance is invested when the developer first creates the asset and does not have to be redone with each new project utilizing the reusable assets.
But the time and resources invested earlier in designing and implementing debt management strategies provided them with room to maneuver.
They've invested heavily in securing their infrastructures with the latest and greatest security technologies, and they employ top experts.
With all of the time you've invested in Grails development at this point, you need to make sure that it starts out bug free and stays that way for the life of the application.
In recent years, Ping an Trust has boosted investment in real estate, with nearly 100 billion yuan invested in over 10 projects.
Think about the implications of that. One day God will compare how much time and energy we spent on ourselves compared with what we invested in serving others.
I know these steps will not sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak.
Farmers increasingly rent the land they cultivate, which can mean they are less familiar with areas at risk for erosion or are less invested in caring for the land over the long run.
Prices in New York are a draw, especially when compared with those in other cities where wealthy Asians might otherwise have invested.
The glamour of romance with which her imagination had invested him faded away in the cold light of fact that he was an ex-laundryman.
With Western oil majors heavily invested in the Niger Delta, there's suspicion that those companies are extracting more than they're reporting.
How is this determined? And Hobbes makes clear that the sovereign is not invested with the authority to exercise a kind of absolute control over everything that people do.
They can still put time to work for them by buying the stocks of companies with a high return on invested capital and letting those companies compound those returns over the years.
Washington Mutual has been saddled with billions of dollars of debt because it heavily invested in selling risky subprime mortgages to customers who later defaulted on them.
People invested a lot of personal effort into certain philosophies dealing with the issue of life and death.
To move on with a worthless project can only be a waste of time and money that could be invested in something of value instead.
This makes sure that before massive amounts of time are invested on refining a solution, a direction is first agreed upon with the client.
She invested it with a degree of life and imagination that not many pianists before the public today could begin to duplicate.
So the majority of those who have lost out are average earners whose pensions and savings have been invested on the stock market with little return.
So the majority of those who have lost out are average earners whose pensions and savings have been invested on the stock market with little return.