The right urban mix has propped up home occupancy, increased property values, and attracted significant investment capital.
Most scholars agree that minority business owners have depended primarily on family funds and ethnic community resources for investment capital.
In today's global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries.
Analyzing and comparing cities using the lens of this basic divide gives interesting context to how investment capital flows and housing prices have shifted.
Although an enormous pool of investment capital exists in the United States, the country's capital investment practices put United States companies at a competitive disadvantage.
Stubborn savers make for a stable supply of investment capital, limiting the impact of taxes on growth.
Car manufacturers do not need to sell part of investment capital and management, these tasks borne by the dealer.
We need to manage and use Treasury bonds well and ensure the quality of the projects they finance and the efficient use of investment capital.
Successful venture capital investment is a lot harder than it sometimes looks.
It absorbed vast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.
The capital is used by a participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company or MESBIC.
It would be more liberating to pack it all off to a laundry and not necessarily more expensive, since no capital investment is required.
Effective investment has to be planned, either on the input side by the price and quantity of available capital or on the output side by bureaucratic fiat.
The capital investment that would bring, the jobs that would bring, the other indirect economic activity...Well, I think that would be a terrific success.
Investment from abroad creates a strong capital account and a resulting high demand for dollars.
Commercial lending, Barclays Capital (the investment bank) and wealth management have been brought together into one unit.
Most important, the deals looks eminently sensible: companies are shedding low-margin businesses that require a lot of capital investment and scale to do well.
Following this action, the regulatory authority significantly reduced capital requirements for the largest investment Banks.
With a modest capital investment, he believes that 10 U.S. workers will be able to manufacturer as much as 50 Chinese workers.
According to a study by Pennsylvania State University, returns to investment in human capital are much lower in rural areas than in urban ones.
With others, like the variable-speed chilling devices and lighting, there was an offset to be considered in the immediate investment of capital.
After paying the taxes in accoudance wiht law and drawing the various funds, the profits in net will be distributed according to the proprtion of each party's investment in the registered capital.
第三十八条 合营公司依法纳税和提取三项基金后的利润,按照甲、乙方在注册资本中的出资比例进行分配。
The New Jersey Division of Investment, which put money into the capital raising, has received a subpoena, the person said.
Middle Eastern oil is largely state-controlled but, as Amrita Sen of Barclays Capital observes, foreign investment remains vital to north Africa's oil industry.
As Barclays Capital, a British investment bank, neatly puts it: "The entire asset class of bonds is characterised by symptoms of overvaluation and complacency."
Michael Leuchten of Barclays Capital, an investment bank, reckons that personalised medicine will not start generating profits for some time.
Michael Leuchten of Barclays Capital, an investment bank, reckons that personalised medicine will not start generating profits for some time.