In this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a house.
For those who introduce projects for developing agriculture products, the reward is 1% of the actual investment of facilities, house for running, building.
These house some of the big investment banks, usually foreign-owned, which trade shares, bonds, currencies and derivatives on a scale that would have made an old-school City gent choke on his lunch.
Right-o. In 2006, RBS started construction on a huge new headquarters in Stamford, Conn., which would house its expanding U.S. investment banking and trading operations.
The effect of building up investment housing market and conniving in speculative purchase of house in some cities is analyzed.
While not designed for occupants to remain in the home during a hurricane, the FLOAT House aims to minimize catastrophic damage and preserve the homeowner's investment in their property.
The research of the house demand preference for the Mianyang city residents show that there are two types demand of usage and investment when they purchase house on the basis of survey.
Especially if you are in that house long-term investment loans to your home can be a great decision.
Parts of serious speculation, house, with the purpose of investment, is rapidly in a great demand.
The study on house preferences of Shanghai urban citizens shows that they consider both consuming factors and investment factors while buying houses.
Figures announced by the National Bureau of Statistics show that domestic commercial house investment scale is too large and it's average sale price increases too fast in recent years.
The demand to push continuous rising of house price can be divided into the consumption demand of middle and low income consumer group and the investment demand of high income consumer group.
After that shrewd investment on the stock exchange, Jim's bought a large house and is rolling in money.
The room price is a net gain, because the owner of this house is an investment in the housing, so in view of the instability of prices, simply low price.
Then it subdivides the demands into consumption demand and investment demand. After the qualitative analysis, a model is built to analyze the house price considering both demands.
Secondly, credit squeeze toward investment purchasing house in 2010 will cause negative influences on Sanya's real estate market.
The theoretical model showed that foreign investment inflow in demand side would cause house price increase, while foreign investment inflow in supply side would render house price decline.
It will be a large comprehensive park of Weihai city. Bonsai park, Huancui book house, folk customs street are open for investment.
It will be a large comprehensive park of Weihai city. Bonsai park, Huancui book house, folk customs street are open for investment.