Bone-rackings and bastings be plenty enow in this life, without going out of one's way to invite them.
Instead of your usual dinner-and-a-movie Saturday night out, invite your neighbors over for a small dinner party.
As we work out the fine details of the foundation, we invite and encourage individuals to come and join the discussion.
If someone suggests going to the mall, suggest going somewhere else instead - invite them over to your home, or go out to a park or a public entertainment like an art museum.
As the flowchart in Figure 15 points out, the next step is to check if this is a response to the INVITE.
They're going to be rolling out the service over the next few months, you have to wait for an invite, and then you'll be able to invite your friends.
If so, you might want to consider leaving him off the invite list on the nights you go out to meet women.
There are many other notable features, so I invite you to try it out for yourself.
I mean, I might ask the woman bawling her eyes out behind me in church what's wrong or if I can help her, but I'm certainly not going to invite her to dinner.
Be the one to invite people out rather than waiting for them to come to you first.
Most of the ads I've seen invite me to check out lonely college girls and my wife doesn't approve of me doing that.
They also invite pictures, video and other contributions from readers and seek out material published on the Internet, thus incorporating non-journalists into the news system.
If someone suggests going to the mall, suggest going somewhere else instead -invite them over to your home, or go out to a park or a public entertainment like an art museum.
So, I’d like to invite you to come hang out with me this Wednesday, so we can figure out a way to make this not a problem anymore.
So, I'd like to invite you to come hang out with me this Wednesday, so we can figure out a way to make this not a problem anymore.
Ask her out. Invite her to go somewhere or do something with you — make sure it's something that you're both interested in.
I guess you can figure out what Girard's Law of 250 is, but I'll tell you anyway: Everyone knows about 250 people in his or her life important enough to invite to the wedding and to the funeral? 250!
Unless some of my friends plan for a trip and invite me along, I seldom look out for opportunity of Tours to other places spontaneously.
You don't have to always say yes to everything that comes your way, be it an invite to a party or function, a question or even a chance to do something completely out of the blue.
But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party ofr my best friend, and they didn't invite me.
They didn't invite him to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them.
The idea is that you invite your friends and colleagues over, crack open a bottle of wine, blast out a groovy playlist, then settle down with your laptop to clean up your emails.
Seek out qualified non - Rotarians who hold such positions and invite them to speak.
We shall have to invite another girl to the party or Nigel will be the odd man out-everybody else is coming with a partner.
Nowadays people prefer to invite friends to dine out rather than invite them to a meal at home.
Nowadays people prefer to invite friends to dine out rather than invite them to a meal at home.