The event handler for components normally executes in the invoke application phase.
Business logic: BIRT provides support to apply report specific business logic to the data or invoke application business logic.
Web applications co-deployed with BPEL flows can also use the SCA programming model to invoke application-specific functionality.
The last three phases of the request processing life cycle (Update Model Values, Invoke Application, and Render Response) are not needed when the form is auto-saved.
For example, let's say the user clicks a button that is bound to an action method, which gets invoked during the invoke application phase (refer back to Figure 1 for details).
The immediate attribute can also be set to true for command buttons whose action methods should be called during the Apply Request Values phase rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.
也可针对一些命令按钮将immediate属性设为true,这些命令按钮的操作方法应该在ApplyRequestValues阶段调用而不是等到Invoke Application 阶段调用。
Again, one application can invoke a service on another application to inform it of a change, but there are three problems with this approach.
Application logic can invoke or deliver services using a range of programming models and techniques without considering whether the connection is direct or whether it traverses an ESB.
This approach is useful when other applications need to invoke or interact with the application in question and expect it to be residing at its default location.
In our ND environment, there are two application members, if invoke the example scenario once, the transactions of the scenario will happen on either of the application member.
In the following sample, invoke the J2EE application to refresh its configuration with customized changes.
Although asynchronous messaging is, in principle, a one-way communication, you can make it invoke some functionality in the receiving application.
You store the translation and configuration files in different directories or folders based on different locales, so that the globalized application program can invoke them at any time.
This application now needs to be changed to invoke one of the new services.
These symlinks are then used to invoke or run the application.
Presentation patterns address the display of information and processing of events that manipulate the information or invoke the application flow.
Now that you've created a service and service client, you're ready to compose a BPEL process model application to invoke this service.
It was extremely important to design interfaces that are simple to invoke from an application, and are flexible enough to allow IBM to potentially support additional object types in the future.
To access all that information, the application would invoke every accessor method for every column — that's five method invocations, each one sucking up just a little more RMI traffic time.
A client application can instantiate any of these proxies and invoke methods on it.
Poor application logic may invoke multiple transactions with large data transfer with the direct coupling approach, though this approach generally avoids greater path lengths.
Develop the client application from the client-side stubs to invoke the service.
Once the redaction server and the client are connected, your application can invoke the server's services through the SOAP engine.
As shown in Figure 3, an activity in a business process or an application can invoke the consolidation process.
Invoke web service client in the user's application.
The sequence of Numbers following it navigates down through the menu tree, to reach the point where it can invoke the WebSphere Application Server security collection script.
Finally, once configuration is complete, you can invoke the configured user-mode application through a call to call_usermodehelper_exec.
Modify the DADX in the Web application and invoke tests again.
Application Developer also generated a sample application that let us invoke the Web service.
Instead, I'll use a simple default combination of ready-made interceptors that can invoke the Radiology Department application.
相反,我将使用一个简单默认的现成的拦截器组合,该组合可调用Radiology Department应用程序。