Effective E-mail solutions involve more than simply E-mail and include all of the solutions that support a collaborative environment.
Patients like Ms Ahlstrand use e-mail because it is free and convenient, whereas a personal visit can involve hassle and an out-of-pocket payment.
Many approaches involve scanning incoming data for possible malware and screening spam e-mail laden with viruses or containing suspicious messages.
Interpreting activities involve three parties, I? E. the source language speaker, the interpreter and the target language audience.
"The qualities that contribute to swimming skill are termed" biomechanical "because they involve factors responsible for resistance of the body's movement through water e." g.
E-business transactions often involve several interactive steps.
Remember that in most tasks which involve writing words or Numbers, e. g. Short-answer Questions, the answers have to be correct and spelt correctly.
The disputes about the Quaternary Ice Age in eastern China (including Mount Lushan) involve three aspects, i. e. topography, sedimentation and conditions of glaciation.
So the publishing companies should involve in the E-book industry. They should cooperate with the Internet technology companies, or foster technology talents.
Those with hobbies that involve creating things, i. e. jewelry, clothing, or pottery, may do well to sell those items on their own.
Works of this category mainly involve two types of material, i. e. ceramics and soldering iron.
His study and teaching involve linguistics for language teaching, course and material design, the use of e-learning, corpus work and ICT for ELT.
The caring professions are the professions that involve caring for people, e. g. nursing, social work, and medicine.
This is an infection most often caused by staphylococcus or e. coli bacteria. It may involve the bones, discs and soft tissues of your spine.
This is an infection most often caused by staphylococcus or e. coli bacteria. It may involve the bones, discs and soft tissues of your spine.