Why, I can get between the iron window-bars of the parson's house, and throw you out whatever you want.
It can be washed out when it rains or it can be released to the atmosphere, whereas phosphorus combines with calcium and iron, and can be preserved in the soil for thousands of years.
The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.
The Iron Man franchise should trust Downey more, trust that we want to hang out with Tony Stark.
Election workers like it because the system allows them to test election procedures, affording them time to iron out flaws.
He says car engineers still need to iron out kinks with braking, emergency handling and acceleration.
Libraries have begun to experiment with these approaches, but individual libraries may not have the scale to iron out local or personal idiosyncrasy or emphasis.
Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and iron out glitches before any decision to expand their use.
As the Economist went to press, the two sides were still working with a mediator to iron out their differences. The talks have already been extended twice.
His product is still a few years away from hitting shelves, and he still has to iron out some of the kinks, including making the garments smell a little bit less like chemicals.
Mr Trichet has striven to build consensus on the rate-setting council, sometimes calling up members to iron out problems.
Part of its purpose will be to iron out the kind of differences that have niggled over the past few months.
The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner’s hearing until January 21st.
The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner's hearing until January 21st.
However, in the past few weeks the two groups have managed to iron out most of the remaining problems, according to a person close to the matter.
The Health Center is a valuable development tool that helps you iron out performance issues, memory leaks, and inefficient code before problems surface in production.
The Geronimo developers took as much time as needed to iron out these details in their negotiations with IBM for the sale of Gluecode.
Now, more and more, the successful apps are ones that actually improve your life or iron out real-life wrinkles.
It also happened that I recently worked with Jeff Potts to iron out some interoperability issues between his new cmis Python library (cmislib) and the IBM cmis technology preview servers.
碰巧最近我和JeffPotts一起合作,以便解决他的新的cmispython库(cmislib)和IBM cm is技术预览服务器之间的一些互操作性问题。
Server points to the script or executable to run, while log_type specifies additional logging to help iron out any wrinkles in the service.
Some of these new tools still have one or two kinks to iron out, but in a general way, everything one needs to make Python "transparent" to users has been put in place.
The two had set a June deadline, timed to coincide with Sir David’s retirement, to iron out their differences.
Warner Bros. executives, including CEO Barry Meyer and COO Alan Horn, will iron out a possible price Friday with Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes.
I always iron out the folds in new sheets, so that they are more comfortable to sleep in.
With the full 'Chaste' Moon illuminating your chart's romance and creativity sector, now's the time to think carefully about some of your loved ones and to iron out any difficulties with them.
The Wells are equipped with filters to screen iron out of the water as it is pumped.
They also knew that, by working with surveys from three countries, and with such a wide range of ages, they would diversify the data and iron out confounding variables.
I know that we haven't seen eye to eye on all these issues, but I am sure we can work together to iron out the problems.
I know that we haven't seen eye to eye on all these issues, but I am sure we can work together to iron out the problems.