The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region.
Irrigation agriculture (i. e. cotton) must be taken out of the Tarim Huyanglin Nature Reserve. Growing reed might be an alternative.
Irrigation agriculture is a pillar industry in Heilongjiang Reclamation area. At the same time, large irrigation area is an important marketable grain base.
Planting salt and seawater tolerant plant is a key technology of seawater irrigation agriculture. Screening of salt and seawater tolerant plants has been done by scientist domestic and abroad.
Runoff collecting irrigation agriculture rapidly rises in the last stage of the eighth five year plan in northwestern arid and semi arid region, and it plays an active role in promoting grain output.
Only by using modern irrigation methods can we reduce water shortage in agriculture.
But this isn't a long paper, so are you going to need to pick a specific area of pre-modern agriculture, like irrigation or food crops of ancient Greece.
In the United States, by contrast, 41% water goes for agriculture, almost all of it for irrigation.
In the United States, by contrast, 41% goes for agriculture, almost all of it for irrigation.
Agriculture yields 40% of the global food production under irrigation on 20% of the cultivated land, using about 70% of all freshwater withdrawals.
Mildura and Renmark are surrounded by desert, and fruit farms and vineyards survive only with irrigation from the Murray River, the lifeblood of Australia's agriculture.
All agriculture damages the environment - think of all those felled forests and ploughed-up prairies, all the irrigation water, manure, tractor fuel, pesticides and fertiliser.
Green circles in the desert frequently indicate tracts of agriculture supported by centre-pivot irrigation.
Today, six months after the disaster, FAO estimates that about 80 percent of the salt-affected land that can still be used for agriculture has been cleaned by rainfall or irrigation.
Agriculture also uses 70 percent of the world’s available freshwater for irrigation, rendering it unusable for drinking as a result of contamination with fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and silt.
Agriculture consumes two-thirds of China's water and is very inefficient — just 46 per cent of irrigation water reaches crops, compared to 70–80 per cent in developed countries.
Irrigation is the lifeline of agriculture.
In agriculture, it will take both better breeding-for more water efficient crops-and smarter irrigation.
Irrigation, which is the lifeblood of agriculture, also merits close attention.
The sewage irrigation still is the major influencing factor on soil trace element variation during the agriculture production.
The flow measurement precision is very important as water gradually commercialized especially for large flow agriculture irrigation and industry water supply.
In the regions short of water, the adjustment of planting structure is also an important measure to save water in agriculture besides water-saving irrigation techniques and cultivation techniques.
The results showed that the Wei river as to be irrigation water didn't produce pollution to agriculture production.
With Yanzhong coal mine area as an example, this paper studies the situations of land-using types and agriculture irrigation system in the coal mine area with the RS and GIS technology.
A large number of pump stations undertake the tasks of agriculture pumping irrigation, urban water supply and drainage and play the important role in the national economy of China.
A region that accounts for 40% of Australia's agriculture, and 85% of its irrigation, is on the verge of ruin.
The crops planting scale in the irrigation district is usually determined according to the agriculture general programming, the crops planting and cultivation custom.
Surface minimum temperature has become a new forecast cement, which is expected by agriculture, irrigation works, architecture, traffic etc.
Surface minimum temperature has become a new forecast cement, which is expected by agriculture, irrigation works, architecture, traffic etc.