One of the advantages of modern irrigation methods is that they alone can save 20-30 percent of the present volume of wasted irrigation water.
Often the cheapest way to provide irrigation water in the dry tropics is through small-scale projects, such as gathering rainfall in depressions and pumping it to nearby cropland.
The pollutions were related to soil, fertilizer, irrigation water and air.
The ground subsidence was due to collapse of loess soil caused by applying irrigation water.
The Ogallala aquifer is a major source of drinking and irrigation water for America's central plains.
India's monsoon rains are the main source of irrigation water for the country's 235 million farmers.
The methods used for the forecast of irrigation water use were first reviewed and the limits were analyzed.
If the Australian drought continues, the thousands who depend on irrigation water for a living will be in deep trouble.
New sea 21 can save water, can use limited irrigation water, so it has advantage of power in arid and semi-arid region.
Make drought water use plans to secure irrigation water after allocating enough water for urban and rural daily water consumption.
The effect of irrigation water quality on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (k) of undisturbed soil and its mechanism were studied.
This particular method of water management involves planting crops on raised beds and applying inputs, including irrigation water in furrows.
This study provides basis for extension of drip irrigation water saving technology and establishment of a reasonable drip irrigation scheme.
Smaller firms, which supply the big winemakers with some of their grapes, faced a double whammy: falling grape prices and cuts to irrigation water.
This city of 3 million, perched on hills between the desert and the fertile valley below, draws its drinking and irrigation water from the Jordan River.
It has around 25 meters, diameter of 9 meters, installed a total of around 900 million liters of irrigation water, which feed the 56 species of about 2600 fish.
A study published in 2007 concluded that both drought and increased demand for irrigation water contributed to the lake's falling water levels and rising salinity.
The water management research unit is an interdisciplinary group of scientists conducting research in irrigation water management and methyl bromide alternatives .
Members of another group said they did not dare tend their rice paddies without wearing gloves and galoshes because irrigation water caused their skin to peel off.
All agriculture damages the environment - think of all those felled forests and ploughed-up prairies, all the irrigation water, manure, tractor fuel, pesticides and fertiliser.
Worry about it out of trouble, while in time "water Margin" and to critique, while rolling a large Bei Bei irrigation water, trying to pressure down the heat just budding.
Agriculture consumes two-thirds of China's water and is very inefficient — just 46 per cent of irrigation water reaches crops, compared to 70–80 per cent in developed countries.
Evaluation of irrigation water consumption is the basal work for hydrological simulation, water resources assessment, irrigation planning, and irrigation water management in a basin.
Farmers who until the 1970s spent half their working day on the back-breaking labour of lifting irrigation water now use diesel pumps, plough with tractors and thresh their wheat by machine.
The ground water resources are the water resources important constituent, many cities water supplies and the agricultural irrigation water used all depends upon the ground water resources.
However, water used in irrigation is often sourced unsustainably.
When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing bacteria, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed.
When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing bacteria, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed.