But IS-LM model still exist some shortcomings, such as the lack of micro-basis and only static analysis.
但是IS - LM模型还存在诸如缺乏微观基础和只是静态分析利率的决定机制等缺点。
The stochastic simulations indicate that the optimizing IS-LM-PC model is a good tool for economic analysis and policy-simulation.
实证研究表明,基于优化的IS - LM - PC模型是经济分析及政策模拟的一个有力工具。
IS-LM model is an essential issue of the western mainstream macroeconomics in the latter half of the 20th century. It has received various criticisms right from the start.
The hypothesized precondition of freely floating interest rate implied in Classic IS-LM Pattern does not adapt to the objective reality of interest rate control in China at present.
经典IS LM模型所隐含的有关利率自由浮动的假设前提与我国目前存在的利率管制的客观现实存在着不相符合之处。
Perhaps the biggest weakness in the LM hash is in the creation of the DES keys.
These newer operating systems still support the use of LM hashes for backwards compatibility purposes. However, it is disabled by default for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
这些新的操作系统虽然可以支持使用LM哈希,但主要是为了提供向后兼容性,不过在WindowsVista和Windows 7中,该算法默认是被禁用的。
Strangely, the protocol does not use the string CIFS to identify itself; instead, nt LM 0.12 is used.
奇怪的是,这个协议并不使用字符串cifs来标识自身,而是使用NTLM 0.12。
Once you have started specifying libraries explicitly, you also need to add -lm, which is the mathematics library.
一旦开始显式地指定库,还必需添加- lm,它是数学库。
LM Hash is vulnerable to this type of attack because it does not use today's common method of introducing "salt" to the encryption process.
LM: New with IBM Cognos 8 BI v3 is a snapshot of system health with live insight into key metrics of system performance that will help to proactively manage deployment.
Simulation results illustrate that LM algorithm speed up learning process and reduce training time greatly. The identification effect is very good.
LM learning algorithm is adopted in BP network learning.
The output feedback pole assignment problem is transformed to a least square problem. The feedback matrix can be obtained by using LM algorithm.
This expression is suitable for oil fi-lm phase grating with arbitrary form.
High-level ARCH effect is certification in the BDI logarithm process by ARCH LM test, GARCH(1,1)model is used to eliminate the conditional heteroscedasticity.
通过ARCHLM检验认为BD I对数序列存在高阶ARCH效应,并用GARCH(1,1)模型消除残差序列的条件异方差性。
According to the practical superelevation data measured with single-axis gyroscope platform, the designed non-linear neural network is trained with LM algorithm.
The influence of display on image of high density fi lm is big, while the effect on low density is small.
The way double polarity s function and LM algorithm combine with BP neural network is analyzed in the paper. The steps of new algorithm were given.
LM should apply the topical agents to acne-prone areas of her face—not limited to individual existing lesions, because therapy is largely preventive.
Concerned with the training process and accuracy, the LM algorithm is superior to conjugate gradient algorithm and a variable learning rate back propagation (BP) algorithm.
The hydrogen detection technique for the sodium-water reaction of LM-FBR steam generator is described in this paper.
The Lagrange multiplier (LM) test verifies that the return series of shanghai stock markets is an ARCH process.
The Lagrange multiplier (LM) test verifies that the return series of shanghai stock markets is an ARCH process.