Alum is abused severely in fried bread stick of breakfast on the market of Jinan.
At present, the slogan is abused, the tendency to misuse.
By the same token, we have to retaliate strongly when our trust is abused.
Many people whose trust is abused do conduct their due diligence initially.
If that trust disappears or is abused, the community suffers, and may indeed collapse.
She is abused, stol'n from me, and corrupted By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks;
Conclusion Alum is abused severely in Fried bread stick of breakfast on the market of Jinan.
Clarence Seedorf has claimed Mario Balotelli is abused in Italy because of his "stupid attitude" and not because of racism.
Eleven of the top 100 bestselling paperbacks last year were so-called "mis-lit", accounts of grim childhoods in which the author is abused, neglected and betrayed.
Police power is a powerful public authority. If it is abused, it will have a direct infringement on the personal and property rights and be very harmful to society.
From the reason and problems described in practice, we can see that the root of the prolonged detention is that we have no effective restraints and the authority is abused.
The abuse of intellectual property right is one of the practical expressions that "right is abused" on civil law, which is restricted by the law of intellectual property right.
If the discretional non-prosecution power is abused, the relationships among the victim, the suspect and the prosecution will be strained, and impede the realization of the aspirations of victims.
What makes those abused stay with their abusive partners is the horrible cycle of emotional dependence, shame and fear.
However, there are concerns about these applications: Is the information they collect something that can be abused?
Of all the lofty practices, it is the most abused.
If the power is inherently abusive, then that power will be abused.
We can thus conclude that the gold standard, if not abused, is not conducive to boom-bust cycles.
That is why I am taking administrative and regulatory action to make certain the ESA isn't abused to make global warming policies.
Prayer. Of all the lofty practices, it is the most abused. Church professionals lead the scurry crew who profit from pushing prayer.
A lot of fame and money can be made by scientists who make amazing or unique discoveries, and while this generally provides a motivation for good research, it is occasionally abused.
Keep in mind, if someone is vicious and malicious in their comments and treatment of you, you're being verbally abused.
The downside, of course, is that this flexibility can be abused and result in slow performance.
The drawback of firms is that authority, which mitigates contention, can be abused.
This is just one example of the many overlooked default behaviors that HTML elements provide, that continue to be abused and misused by developers every day.
If your friend is being physically abused, you might have noticed bruises and scars.
Is Mr Balls right to fear that home-schooled children are more likely to be abused than those in school?
A Token is generally a random string of letters and Numbers (but not limited to) that is unique, hard to guess, and paired with a Secret to protect the Token from being abused.
A Token is generally a random string of letters and Numbers (but not limited to) that is unique, hard to guess, and paired with a Secret to protect the Token from being abused.