It is also known as Darwin's Slipper Flower, because it was first discovered by Charles Darwin in his trip around South America.
Neoteny is also known as pedogenesis or paedogenesis.
TCP SYN Scanning is also known as half open scanning.
This is also known as pre-compressing pages or static compression.
It is located to the east of the Yellow River, and is also known as Hedong.
He is also known as the Binder of What is known, and is the Patron of Bards.
The second HPC pattern, divide-and-conquer, is also known as highly parallel execution.
Vitamin c, which is also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants.
The accrual method of accounting is also known as accrual accounting or accrual basis accounting.
Sensor fusion is also known as (multi-sensor) Data fusion and is a subset of information fusion.
Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has been badly hit by natural disasters in the past few years.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is also known as acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute childhood leukemia.
The inode number is also known as the file serial number and is unique within a particular filesystem.
inode编号也被称为文件序列号(file serialnumber),并且在一个特定文件系统中是唯一的。
It is also known as ringgit locally in Malay. The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 1.65 Brunei dollars.
This process of identifying candidate services from a business model is also known as domain decomposition.
This might seem a bit arbitrary at first, but remember that tmpfs is also known as the "virtual memory filesystem".
Milnor is also known as a great expositor, whose books are low on abstruseness and high on simple, common-sense explanations.
You are your own best friend and your own biggest critic. Being proud of yourself is also known as having strong self-esteem.
The gold-spired stupa is also known as the “Monkey Temple, ” named for the population of rhesus monkeys that roam its grounds.
The mail transfer agent is also known as the mail server and is simply software that sends E-mail from one computer to another.
This process is also known as dynamic translation and is a popular technique for increasing the performance of VM technologies.
It is also known as a single-grave and battleaxe culture due to separate burials and the Mena s habit of being buried with stone axes.
Located about 2,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Lyra, the Ring Nebula is also known as Messier Object 57 and NGC 6720.
这个星云位于距离地球2000光年的天琴座内,它还有另外两个名字:MessierObject57和NGC 6720。
Located about 2, 000 light years from Earth in the constellation Lyra, the Ring Nebula is also known as Messier Object 57 and NGC 6720.
这个星云位于距离地球2000光年的天琴座内,它还有另外两个名字:MessierObject57和NGC 6720。
Postfix notation is also known as reverse Polish notation (RPN) and is commonly used because it enables easy evaluation of expressions.
后缀表示法也称逆波兰表示法(reverse Polish notation,RPN),因其使表达式求值变得轻松,所以被普遍使用。
This gene, which has been the target of considerable research, is also known as the "warrior gene" because it regulates serotonin in the brain.
These calculators will show you your gross pay, how much goes to taxes and how much you'll be left with, which is also known as net, or take-home pay.
An MOW script is also known as a "Movie of the Week" script. These scripts are typically shorter than a standard script and range from 70 to 90 pages.
MOW剧本是每周电影(“Movie of the Week”)剧本的缩写,这种剧本通常比一般的剧本短小,在70 ~ 90页之间。
Sweat is also known as perspiration, and it is made almost completely of water, with tiny amounts of other chemicals like ammonia, urea, salts, and sugar.
In the 19th Century, zuppa del duca became popular among the English intellectuals and artists who lived there Consequently, it is also known as zuppa Inglese.
19世纪,zuppadelduca 受到在弗洛伦斯生活的英国知识分子和艺术家们的喜爱,甚至成为他们定居在那里的原因,因此也被称为zuppa Inglese。