Write an outline before you start writing the article, or you would easily write something that is beside the point.
The fact that she gave me a gift is beside the point. I still don't like her.
That it doesn't produce much of its own content is beside the point. Neither does Netflix.
Some say people want money from popularity, but focusing on how Internet stars make money is beside the point.
Indians love to be photographed. It is beside the point that they will never see that photograph but they really want to have their photographs taken.
The fact that the brand's regular vanilla bean ice cream also has just five ingredients is beside the point. Food marketers have come to realize that simplicity sells.
The novel’s literary merit, let’s be clear, is really beside the point; Hegemann could very well be the wunderkind people claim she is.
To eat the creations in this book is not only beside the point, it's bordering on sacrilege.
Out from your delivery point is a cave, and beside the head of the gray people dialogue partners that they were human beings to capture the church went to the samurai.
To get down to it, you have to cut away what is not true, what is inflated, beside the point, excess, ornament.
The mechanism is introduced and feasibility for biodegradation method to control emitting oil vapor is discussed. Beside, issues and focal point of the research are also presented.
The mechanism is introduced and feasibility for biodegradation method to control emitting oil vapor is discussed. Beside, issues and focal point of the research are also presented.