Furthermore it is defended by use of emotional appeals and conformist arguments.
ARP spoofing is defended effectively by binding IP and MAC or processing the ICMP redirect messages.
The overhaul is defended as a way to beautify the city, but it is decried as kitsch as regressive nationalism.
The home range is defended by all members of the pack and usually does not overlap with the ranges of neighboring packs, unless there is a food shortage.
Other times, scandal coverage is defended as a "press story," with media critics using the question of whether the story ought to be covered as an excuse to cover it.
The liberty principle, the harm principle, is defended on the grounds that societies that follow the harm principle will be happier in general than societies that don't.
We want to pass on a country that's safe and respected and admired around the world, a nation that is defended by the strongest military on earth and the best troops this – this world has ever known.
He defended his administration's response to the disaster against critics who charge the federal government is moving too slowly.
Your task is to build a tightly defended base and then purge the planet of all infested buildings.
Researchers behind the Ida fossil, known formally as Darwinius masillae, immediately defended their own interpretation, which is based on two years of meticulous measurements of the remains.
Researchers behind the Ida fossil, known formally as Darwinius masillae, immediately defended their own interpretation, which is based on two years of meticulous measurements of the remains.