Furthermore it is defended by use of emotional appeals and conformist arguments.
The home range is defended by all members of the pack and usually does not overlap with the ranges of neighboring packs, unless there is a food shortage.
We want to pass on a country that's safe and respected and admired around the world, a nation that is defended by the strongest military on earth and the best troops this – this world has ever known.
Mr Kallasvuo defended Nokia's N97 smartphone, the company's main answer to the iPhone, following criticism by some analysts that it is a poor alternative to Apple's handset.
The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand.
Yet another enclave defended by an active “Friends of” organization is the two-mile stretch of beach at the southern end of San Onofre State Park in the sun-drenched OC.
It is also defended by Obama Allies in Congress, like Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown.
In recent days, some have defended Mortenson by noting that a number of C.A.I. schools were built and are still functioning, and they claim this is better than nothing at all.
Brega, still heavily defended by Colonel Qaddafi's forces, is almost as crucial as Zawiya.
The house is well defended, surrounded by high walls.
这所房子被高高的筑墙围住, 受到很好的保护。
In this paper, a method to decide enemy mission line is introduced and followed by a method to calculate the cover Angle of a missile battalion covering a defended site.
According to the relation between hydrodynamic pressure fields causing by ship and its speed is close, the ship itself can be defended and pass the pressure mine district safely by limit the speed.
ARP spoofing is defended effectively by binding IP and MAC or processing the ICMP redirect messages.
ARP spoofing is defended effectively by binding IP and MAC or processing the ICMP redirect messages.