More than 80 percent said 'We need to talk' is the most feared conversation opener, while 42 percent of women voted for 'is everything OK' - when their partner knows the opposite is true.
It's good for the counselor and your parents to know each other when everything is going OK.
Your doctor will probably also send you for some other tests during the pregnancy, such as an ultrasound, to make sure that everything is OK with your baby.
As an ultra light traveler (ok, technically not) my goal is not only to pack as little as possible, but everything I pack should have multiple USES.
Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be OK.
Run the Apache configuration test and look for a Syntax OK result to make sure everything is in order.
It takes minimal effort to ensure that the server not only finished with a request, but returned an "Everything is OK" status code.
Everything is either vintage or Ikea and I'm ok when the occasional red crayon gets used on the sofa!
I'm always feeling the burden of starting something and tuning into it and making sure everything is OK.
It must not try to sweep safety issues under the carpet by telling people that everything is OK and that they should not worry.
It like a child that has run up lots of debt and can't pay the bill. Their parents say everything is ok and takes over all the debt and the payments.
Sometimes you have to smile and act like everything is OK, then, endured the tears away.
Although the gym facilities and amenities are quite ok, with the pool and everything, but the customer service is always a problems.
Time is devoted to the quite harmonious thought, language and behavior. Time devoted to purify your mind, so everything will be ok.
Sometimes a plane or ship will disappear right after sending a message saying that everything is OK.
You'd better check each item on the list to make sure that everything is ok.
OK, so it looks like the document everything plan is not going to work out so well.
Gently back hou, don't want to disturb you! Just want to really know you everything is ok.
Gently a salute, don't want to disturb you, just want to really know you everything is ok.
Everything is going A-OK thanks to his help.
Let cool birthday, mom, I can't accompany in your side, I wish you a happy birthday, everything is ok.
In the morning, I arrived there earlier then usual, so that I could have enough time to make sure everything is ok.
Fifteen minutes later my mother called and nervously asked, "Paul, everything is OK?" I explained to her perfectly.
That's good. Please wait a moment and let me have a check. OK. There is no problem. Everything is in line, and there is no forbidden goods.
They take width, so that the last true li will be pushed to the left, but they have 0 height so visually everything is ok.
Im using this app long time and everything is ok, so don't worry, install and enjoy!
When leaving the ground, I can go a little way now, I am OK, and I check everything to make sure, my buckle is good, and this is lock.
When leaving the ground, I can go a little way now, I am OK, and I check everything to make sure, my buckle is good, and this is lock.