When the carving is hard to understand, it is to the extent that it is beautiful.
Culture is hard to understand, and sometimes it makes people frustrated and confused.
The passage is hard to understand unless you look up all the words in the dictionary.
Sometimes, dear ones it is hard to understand the dreams you may be having or have been experiencing.
From any perspective, it is hard to understand who won or who benefited by the result achieved in this case.
The text is hard to understand as vocabulary is harder, slangs come to appear, and the content is more thoughtful.
And he says it is hard to understand the huge fine when in his words the agreed upon finish fine is just days away.
Because of the housing market in Berlin, it is hard to understand why companies take so little care in creating good architecture.
Over time, the system (or subsystem — the same issues apply) may become so complex that the code is hard to understand, maintain, and reuse.
That’s fine for small sites, but it can quickly get out of control, resulting in reams of messy code that is hard to understand and to maintain.
"It is hard to understand how calcium could increase the risk for heart attack and not for stroke or death if this association is real," she says.
This is because appearance has a strong impact on functionality: an application that appears cluttered or illogical is hard to understand and use.
The varies of adjudication form shall be formulated by procedure law on the cause, content and scope, otherwise it is hard to understand and apply.
However, throughout the detailed historical examples that fill the book, it is hard to understand exactly how the pieces relate to the broader theory.
Not just because this is an ugly mouthful, but because if a company is really planning to grow faster, it is hard to understand why it needs to get rid of anyone.
The conventional representation of location information is hard to understand for human in location-aware computing, but the natural language is a beneficial supplement.
But if there be any truth in Josephus's assertion, that John was put to death at Machaerus, it is hard to understand why he was buried so far from the Herodian fortress.
Seeing these beautiful sceneries, it is hard to understand the hostile life of the local people, without tall resident house, zigzag mountain road, patchy transportation.
It is hard to understand that life on Earth is an illusion, but if you can view it that way and see it as only a passing phase of experience it will have less impact upon you.
Most of the criticism against Jameson's text —that it sounds artificial and is hard to understand —could just as easily be (and indeed is) leveled against Wagner's original text in German.
It's hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut.
The last one is that I find it hard to understand grammar.
"It is difficult for a man to understand," she says "hard, too, for any woman who has had an average hospital birth."
Until now, it is hard for me to understand and know why all of these must be happened.
Until now, it is hard for me to understand and know why all of these must be happened.