It should be obvious that the review is in no way comprehensive, even of current literature.
Clothing new ideas in old form is in no way different from putting new wine into old bottles.
My choice of Switzerland is in no way haphazard: we have got a few important things to do here.
Losing a spouse is in no way like losing a child, but all loss is in some way like losing ourselves.
Please be advised that Global Corporate Events is in no way affiliated with ASLA and the annual meeting.
The drafter of this contract is in no way responsible of the accuracy of any language other than English.
“One of the important findings of this is that the emotion system is in no way broken in old age, ” she says.
This is in no way meant to reflect on the sincerity of the views of American and English foreign correspondents.
Now, in the truly spiritual connotation, a truly holy person or person of God is in no way different from anyone else.
One last disclaimer: the code we're about to go over is in no way intended to be used as an example of a robust solution.
But this in no way implies that nothing is new about the phenomenon nor that colleges are not implicated in these outcomes.
The iPad is in no way meant to replace content creation devices like the desktop or the laptop for real work — and it won’t.
Capitalism. It is in no way honored by spending billions of dollars of tax monies to put a piece of painted metal on the moon.
Tanner is in no way only heard this suggestion, he started with a view to the original at the last minute to save his drama class.
I will then need to recover for two weeks before traveling. I want to assure you that this is in no way a life-threatening surgery.
Thought that his prolonged illness's appearance, you a little were already depressed, that he is in no way can the human who accompanies together with you.
As reflected through the diversity in their works, each artist owns a distinctive style and approach that is in no way restricted by the power of imagination.
This site is in no way affiliated with Netscape Communications Corporation. This site is here as a service to directory users and is maintained by a group of editors.
Total decoupling between applications and the ASP.NET worker process. The lifetime of the application is in no way affected by the lifetime of the servicing worker process.
This is in no way an ideal solution, and it leaves several questions unanswered such as: what to do with the Muggle-born magicians if they do not learn to control their magic?
Note that this test is in no way meant to be a formal benchmark of JAX-RS frameworks and was only done to give you a general idea of their relative performance characteristics.
注意,这个测试并不意味着是这些JAX - RS框架之间的正式基准测试,只是为了向您提供它们的相对性能特征的一般认识。
We believe that a peaceful resolution through dialogue is in no way beyond reach with the continuation of the peace talks and the unremitting efforts made by the parties involved.
The sample application is in no way something that can be deployed to a production system, but rather shows the components needed to test out a custom built Human Task Manager application.
It is very certain that your spouse will not agree at one stretch to whatever you have said, but the tact lies in how you convince your partner in saying that what you need is in no way wrong.
Potassium iodide is in no way a cure for radiation emitted from a nuclear disaster, but if taken before or immediately after exposure it can be effective in reducing the risk of thyroid cancer.
Second, it's impossible for the realities of China's education system to change quickly . I can say that this book, compared to the books of well-known specialists and scholars, is in no way inferior.
This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed.
His father introduced Hill to his stepmother as he said, "Dear, I hope you notice in the entire shire this is the worst boy, who has made me have no other way."
So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.
So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.