It is time now to forget all that and salute the miraculous boy who will triumph over death as Dionysos did, becoming immortal through his art.
Is it any less compelling a moral obligation, in the name of all children now and in the future, to report that we are on track to hand over a planet that may be destroyed for generations to come?
And with family reunions becoming less frequent events over the years, there is now the added pressure of getting just one chance to get it all right. "Families are much more disparate now."
As a result, it is now common to see Ajax requests all over the place in a modern web application.
English is studied all over the world. Now, it is my pleasure to share some of my opinions and advice about learning English with you.
All light is divided pretty much equally over the surfaces right now, which is not how it works in reality.
Now you have a teflon tubing over but it is still "bigger" and sliding all over.
Did you hear what happened in the Scott case? Some of the sensitive material were leaked to the press. Now every newspapers is all over it.
Nitrate pollution in groundwater is now one of the most important environmental problems all over the world, so the restoration of it has become an urgent affair.
Nimesulide first became available in Italy in 1985. It is now used in more than 50 countries and regions all over the world. The drug entered the Chinese market in 1997.
It's really about Americans and people all over the world standing up and saying climate change is real and we need to do something about it now.
In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world.
And with family reunions becoming less frequent events over the years, there is now the added pressure of getting just one chance to get it all right.
It is urgent for Chinese firms which start their internationalization just now to build Trust Mechanism with Supply Chain Enterprises all over the world.
I have been living with the other my Hero contestants now for over 2 months, so it is going to be hard to leave everyone and move back into my apartment all by myself.
This machine takes the gasoline engine as power, and is operated by one person . it is portable and safe , now has been promoted and used all over the country.
In a recent interview the talent 14 guru 15 marveled at how amazing it is that just a week or so ago no one had heard of Susan, and now there's millions of people all over the world talking about her.
It is very difficult now for goalkeepers as the balls they use fly all over the place, " insists the World Cup winner."
The changing of clothing makes my ears ache as the clothes keep on scraping my ears. Anyway, it is all over now. I am very happy! OK!
The fashion of "Shanzhai" is too fierce, you can find it all over the internet. Now that many young people can go online, they don't know what are the genuine and what are the fake.
We've all made mistakes before, but it is over now. I am here to apologize to you. We are still and will always be best friends forever.
For example buying a pan from the dollar store is most likely going to cost a lot more than a few dollars. Especially when it melts all over your stove which you now have to replace.
It has more advantages as being heatproof, light, elegant, conveniently installed, environment-friendly, and economic as well. Now it is enjoying a great popularity all over the world.
It has more advantages as being heatproof, light, elegant, conveniently installed, environment-friendly, and economic as well. Now it is enjoying a great popularity all over the world.