It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type.
"Jiveli" is the Serbian for "Cheers", but despite Sasha's long-suffering efforts to help me pronounce it exactly right, by the third beer I was going backwards.
I think the impossible is the lousiest excuse for others, but for me, it is the big beautiful eyes of opportunity staring right at me.
Cost Centre #1 receives a monthly allowance, but he is required to work for it, and also has to assign me the right to write about him whenever I choose.
The first question for me is that, pets are wearing various clothes even if they like it or not, is that right?
I love acting and it comes very naturally for me, and I hope to do a lot more, but right now the band is my priority.
For me, the right way to use a lot of the new social software is by making it easier to spend more physical time with the people you like best.
For me, the right way to use a lot of the new social software is bfy making it easier to spend more physical time with the people you like best.
LORRIE: So, for now, you want me to keep a copy of the contract. But we won't sign it yet. Is that right?
The space is too small for me to be able to see the picture properly, so I climb on to a stool and look down at it from above, to get the perspective right.
And then find a parking space for me. Here's my car key. Right now it is double-parked in front of the building.
For me, night is for recreation, relaxation, romance and quality family time and it is light that sets the right mood.
You Is it right? Wait for me in your city, I went to your city to follow your footsteps?
My horoscope told me I should get a ginger. It also said that a Arms Dealer is a great 17 hangout for me right now.
Right now my hair is long because I think it's a better look for me, my hair is really, really thick so sometimes its hard to take care of it.
If we accept this as true, then it poses the question: "what kind of toaster oven is right for me?"
Ancelotti also eluded the question: 'It doesn't seem right to name names today because today is an important day for me.
Clerk: Oh, just a minute please, Mrs. Jones. Let me check it for you. Yes, we have your reservation. A single with shower and a double with twin beds for three days, Is that right?
噢,请等一下琼斯夫人.让我替你查一下.是的,我们有你的预约,一间有淋浴和成对单人床的房间, 时间是三天,对吗?
I think Facchetti is the right person; it's an important role for me and it will allow me to be calmer.
It's too big for me, but it would be just right for two, and the rent is only six dollars a week for both.
The icon in the upper right is supposed to take you to the next artist in the listing, but it didn't work for me.
You are right, I have been working in the hotel industry for nearly 40 years and it is a long time, but it does not seem long to me.
Reserving the right to revise this clause at any time, it is not the importance modification that forgives me for not noticing users separately.
Reserving the right to revise this clause at any time, it is not the importance modification that forgives me for not noticing users separately.