Ruthie is not even looking at the baby giraffe; with some nonchalance, she keeps it tucked under her arm as she touches all the other animals on the table.
Each image required by the different widgets is stored by the look and feel under a specific key in this table, so that it can be easily retrieved.
Each row has a colored percentage; the percentage is derived via the ratio of the number on this row and the one under it. Table 1 shows what the Numbers indicate, starting at the top.
It is on the periodic table of elements under the symbol Bi at atomic number 83.
It is not fastened to the machine on which it is used and may be moved around on the table of the drilling machine to bring each bushing directly under the drill.
I will hide it into my napkin and secretly feed it to the dogs under the table, that is if the dogs even want to eat it.
This pot with a flame under it is used for keeping water boiling at the table.
In the course of studying on pile group under its model test, it is discovered th at the measured value of effect coefficient of pile group is larger than that in the codes table.
It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder or to put new shoes on the table.
Two small, almost invisible, acrylic bar, under the table, to maintain stability. surface that has two separate desk surface so it is suitable for two people.
Rough set theory is a mathematical tool to deal with incomplete and uncertain knowledge, it can reduce knowledge under maintained the same classification ability of decision table.
Rough set theory is a mathematical tool to deal with incomplete and uncertain knowledge, it can reduce knowledge under maintained the same classification ability of decision table.