CaseState - contains the current state of the case and is modeled as a string property.
The structure being analyzed is modeled as a cantilever beam on hysteretic nonlinear supports.
This metallic hose is modeled as a super slender beam, with very large displacement and rotation.
HBase data is modeled as a multidimensional map in which values (the table cells) are indexed by four keys.
The transmission scheduling of wireless mesh networks(WMNs) is modeled as a problem of conflict graph coloring.
A regular round trip remote method call is modeled as two messages, one for the request and one for the response.
The seismic excitation is modeled as a Gaussian random process and the power spectrum can be taken into account.
The composite beam structure is modeled as a series system consisted of concrete slab, shear studs and steel beam.
The request is modeled as an inbound one-way operation and the response is modeled as an outbound notification operation.
The initial request is modeled as a request/reply operation, with two messages sent as a single transport-level exchange.
The debonding region is modeled as an arc-shaped interface crack and the interaction between crack surfaces is neglected.
A is modeled as a collection of ports, where a represents the availability of a particular binding at a specific end-point.
The geophone spurious frequency is modeled as the resonance of the planer motion of spider spring by carrying moving mass.
A C# event is modeled as a UML property (either a UML attribute or an association end), along with a <<CSharp Event>> stereotype.
C#事件(event)被建模为带有 <<CSharp Event>> 原型的UML属性(UMLattribute或关联端)。
For HTTP, such an interaction is modeled as a POST request, so this type of request invalidates the cache entries for the addressed resource.
The structure is modeled as non-proportionally damped system based on equivalent linearized parameters which is used for practical design.
The load transfer on dowels is modeled as vertical springs, whose stiffness depends on the dowel properties and the dowel-plate interaction.
The external steel frames are simplified as a series of half frames and the core tube is modeled as a bending and shearing two spring system.
In DOM, the document is modeled as a tree, where each component of the XML syntax (such as an element or text content) is represented by a node.
在DOM 中,文档被模型化为一棵树,其中每个XML语法成分(如元素和文本内容)都用一个节点表示。
The green tire radial runout is modeled as a vector sum of each of the vectors representing contributions arising from the tire building steps.
For example the check credit card task is modeled as a service task, because the validity of the credit card can be checked by invoking a web service.
The real system is modeled as a time-varying system, and the energy is predicted by the identification algorithm with both forgetting and weighted factors.
The fact that the element is contained within the element is modeled as a containment reference property from the name property of the author SDO to the name SDO.
元素包含于 元素之中,这一事实建模为从authorSDO的姓名属性到name SDO的包容引用属性。
Since data cubes are such a useful interpretation tool, most OLAP products are built around a structure in which the cube is modeled as a multidimensional array.
For the case of fixed data packet dropout rates and constant time delays, the NBFI is modeled as an asynchronous dynamical system subject to configuration event rates.
Based on fixed data packet dropout rates and constant time-delay, the NCS is modeled as an asynchronous dynamical-switched system constrained by configuration event rates.
The solution to the cross-layer design is modeled as a Markov decision process and utilizes the linear programming method to obtain the optimal adaptive transmission policy.
In developed countries, the regulating of unfair insurance terms is modeled as a comprehensive method, bringing together court, supervisory authorities, insures and consumers.
In developed countries, the regulating of unfair insurance terms is modeled as a comprehensive method, bringing together court, supervisory authorities, insures and consumers.