Barack Obama is the only child born of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.
No matter how many brothers and sisters, each one is the only child, this is the parents and children.
However, she is the only child in her family, so it is partly her responsibility to take care of her father.
Duat is the only child in his family who was affected by his father’s exposure to Agent Orange during the war.
She is the only child of Shi Jiachen (father) who is employed in an electrical supply company in Baoding and her mother (Geng Sufen) who is employed in a chemical plant.
The King laid his hand upon her arm, and timidly said, "Consider, my dear: she is only a child!"
The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week.
Perhaps it is because I am the youngest child and the only sister they have.
The only notable pattern of differences is on views about supporting a family, having a child and getting married.
The young Irene Pepperberg was not the only child to have been enthralled by the "Dr Dolittle" stories, in which a doctor is taught the language of animals by his parrot.
年幼的Irene Pepperberg和许多孩子一样曾都对《怪医杜立德》着迷不已。在这个故事中,杜立德医生在其饲养的鹦鹉的教学下,学会了动物语言。
Of course, part of the reason we assume only children are spoiled is that whatever parents have to give, the only child gets it all.
Particularly due to the one-child policy, the only child is the greatest hope of parents and is provided with all the available resources.
Not only will the child be emotionally harmed, Barnardo's says, there is evidence that it damages their ability to form stable relationships.
Just because the package says the toy is age appropriate, only you know what's safe for your child.
Another misconception your child can pick up from television programs and books is that only the wicked die.
Parenting is bi-directional–the kind of child that is born to you determines how you parent–and parents are not the only influence on their children.
In a Japanese divorce, child custody is awarded to only one parent - typically the mother.
The everyday act of breast-feeding is not only reproductively essential, it gives pleasure to both mother and child: perhaps the most innocent pleasure of which humans are capable.
Objects that you delete in the child Workspace are only flagged in that Workspace as not being available (that is, deleted); however, the object still exists in its parent Workspace.
When you open a Workspace, the fact that you are in a Workspace is transparent to you, the only difference being that you can modify the child object, whereas the parent object cannot.
Often, says Schneider, "these are parents who are leading very, very difficult lives with all kinds of horrifying problems to deal with, and the child is only part of the difficulty of their lives.
Reachable only by ferry, this quiet, contained and child-friendly island is the perfect getaway for people who love golf, sailboats, and seclusion.
After all, there is no obvious reason why parents should choose to have only one child just because the Berlin Wall has come down.
Indeed, Ding is only the seventh heaviest child in her class.
Indeed, Ding is only the seventh heaviest child in her class.