Over the medium term the need for IT specialists is to be satisfied on the domestic Labour market.
Whether you have ten million dollars or one dollar, the greatest thing is to be satisfied with what you do.
This song informs everybody of a very simple but very easy to be forgot by person principle, is to be satisfied.
The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.
You are bound to fluctuate at times. The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.
But the new thought here is what would be good would be being able to live until you were satisfied, until you'd gotten what goods there were to get out of life.
I don't mean if we know them personally, but if we don't know them personally, is there any way we can discover that they've ascended, or do we just have to be satisfied with not knowing?
In this mode of operation it is important that a dialogue is underway to identify how the demand will be satisfied in the event the proposal becomes an approved project.
Ben was satisfied with that answer and kind of likes the idea that infinity is big enough to be both odd and even.
For our example this means the request for weather details is not going to be immediately satisfied.
What does help is to make a decision, and move on, and be satisfied that is was right, no matter what we did.
Mind state hunger needs to be satisfied 'RIGHT NOW' whereas physical state hunger can wait a little longer as it is a gradual process.
Barack Obama is spending billions to maintain and upgrade America's nuclear weapons. But his opponents say it's not enough. Will they ever be satisfied?
That sounds preachy, so let’s move beyond that: ask yourself how much is enough, how much do you need in order to be satisfied?
The move is a key step that had to be satisfied before India and the United States can go ahead with a planned nuclear cooperation agreement.
Don Juan in turn will likewise yield to his fate, be satisfied with that existence whose nobility is of value only through revolt.
That should be heavily scrutinized, because we need to make sure the public is satisfied with the safety of nuclear power.
That's one reason my love is not always happy, because just loving the other person is no guarantee that both of you can be fully satisfied with what happens to each of you.
Once the MQT is created and populated, when a user submits a query to find aggregate sales or its variant information, it may be satisfied by using the aggregate_sales MQT.
一旦MQT 已经创建并填充好,当用户提交一个查询以找到总销售数据或变体信息时,就会通过使用 aggregate_sales MQT 来满足该查询。
We assign the type for this alternative to be xs:error to signal that if this condition is satisfied, the element is invalid.
Applying this to assertions, the error code cvc-assertion will be reported when an assertion is not satisfied.
将其应用于断言,如果未能满足断言,那么将报告错误代码cvc -assertion。
To quote Steve Jobs in a speech he gave in 2005, 'your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
引用以下Steve Jobs2005年的演讲时说的话,“你的工作将会占据你生命中的一大部分,真正也是唯一能让你获得满足的就是去做你认为伟大的工作。”
In other words, a goal is not merely a desirable result, but rather a practice that must be satisfied in order to satisfy the process area.
That is to say, assuming the class invariant was satisfied before the routine was called, the routine must ensure that class invariant is again going to be satisfied on exit.
No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more.
While thinking of these lyrics from the famous Rolling Stones song, "Satisfaction," think about what advantage is in store for you to be satisfied.
Our economy is strong, yet I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job.
Our economy is strong, yet I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job.