"What a shame it is for you to try to deceive your mother!" said something in Ted's heart, as he quietly sat down to his supper.
You can't however opt for a specific version, for example if you want to see what the Starter edition is like, which is a shame.
It is a shame for me to talk about again that I have been busy as a bee for the whole semester but I do not know what I have learnt finally.
What we are doing here is so disgraceful, our ACTS are shameful, and we are a shame in the face of freedom and morals.
What we are doing here is so disgraceful, our ACTS are shameful, and we are a shame in the face of freedom and morals.
What a shame, though, that there is no good way for the Olympic organisers to harness the continued griping over plans for 2012 into something more useful.
And now what is there before me but public disgrace, ruin, terrible shame, the mockery of the world, a lonely dishonoured life, a lonely dishonoured death, it may be, some day?
A man's moral transform presupposes his knowing shame, that's a man has the view what is good and what is evil, and he has the possibility that he can become a good man.
In the last five years, I really realized my eyesight is too shallow and I wasted plenty of times, only except the Sophomore and the graduated time. What a shame!
What is a shame is this kind of player could not go to the World Cup or the European Championships because they are from Wales.
What is a shame is this kind of player could not go to the World Cup or the European Championships because they are from Wales.