Scientists studied the emergence of antibiotic resistance in an isolated area of northern Ecuador.
He drove to an isolated area and used a knife to force her to hand over her valuables and then killed her.
For security purposes, most RIAs run their client portio within a special isolated area of the client desktop called a sandbox.
Of course, that's easier said than done; the Arctic is a forbidding, isolated area, short of people and encased in ice much of the year.
I reapplied, knowing that not too many would go for a job in an isolated area, where about 120 men and one woman worked as soldiers and civilians.
One key witness had been kept blindfolded for at least 23 hours before being dumped in an isolated area where police later found her burnt car.
If someone approaches you in a parking lot or isolated area... Stay alert, keep walking and prepare to run if necessary, look for others who can help.
Aerial view of an isolated area severely hit by landslides near Teresopolis, some 100 km from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 18, 2011. (VANDERLEI ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)
利斯附近被泥石流严重冲击的孤立区域鸟瞰图,离里约热内卢100公里处,巴西,20110118 (VANDERLEIALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)
A radio broadcast went out asking fishermen to bring in larger nets to the isolated area, not far from the posh Sofitel resort that was virtually flattened by the tsunami.
"We have mapped the whole area with a high density of coverage," Plaut said. "These are not isolated features."
On Sunday morning police said there remained isolated incidents in the Tottenham area involving "a small number of people" and officers were still dealing with those situations.
If a change is isolated to just one area, and the product has a very stable quality track record, then focus the tests on just that area.
Professor Curtis Marean, of the Institute of human Origins at Arizona State University discovered ancient human artifacts in the isolated caves around an area known as Pinnacle Point, South Africa.
The 2008 attacks were not an isolated incident, Mr. Breen says, citing at least 10 incidents of race violence that have occurred in 2010 in the Johannesburg area.
The damaged area is isolated and examined under a microscope.
And since the dolphin area was isolated at the far end of Marineland, Jeff often found himself alone with the playful creatures.
Many strains were isolated from samples gathered in Guangxi Military Area, Edible Fungus Production Bas, Guangxi University Microorganism Factory, Guangxi University Pasture and other places.
Underground parking garage as an economical use of land, isolated noise parking form it appears on the residential Area parking layout and residential environment greatly improved.
Most of the research published in this area focuses on mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from various parts of the placenta or epithelial cells isolated from amniotic membrane.
The animal cages were scattered throughout the home and around the property — located on an isolated stretch of road in a mainly light-industrial area.
Objective:To investigate urogenital infections with U. urealyticum(UU)isolated from patients with STD and the distribution of serotypes in different populations in Changchun area.
Hundreds of dead insects invaded by fungi have been collected from different area and 82 strains were isolated from these insects.
It does this by using the HD cameras to scan the surrounding area, before the images are cleaned up and patterns of interest are isolated from their surrounds, such as rubble.
A possible explanation is that the ancestor of Tibetan chicken lived in a relatively isolated environment after entering into the high altitude area and developed unique genetic characters.
These schools are very isolated and the roads range from very poor to near impassable once you leave the town area.
These schools are very isolated and the roads range from very poor to near impassable once you leave the town area.