Isotope dilution method was adopted in lab for the study of the effect of crude oil contamination on the rate of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in soil.
The PCDD/Fs in surface sediments of Great Canal in Hangzhou city were analyzed by isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS method.
Objective:To develop a method for determining the metabolites of nitrofuran antibiotics in aquatic products by HPLC-MS/MS using isotope internal standard dilution technique.
The method of determining Ni, Cu and Pbi n urine with isotope dilution mass spectrometry(IDMS)is described.
介绍了采用同位素稀释质谱 法(IDMS)测定 冻干人尿样品中镍、铜、铅的含量。
The method of determining Ni, Cu and Pbi n urine with isotope dilution mass spectrometry(IDMS)is described.
介绍了采用同位素稀释质谱 法(IDMS)测定 冻干人尿样品中镍、铜、铅的含量。