Each issued U-Prove token contains an unforgeable digital signature of its Issuer on the entire contents, created by the Issuer by applying its private key.
每个发布的U - Prove令牌都包含了发布方关于所有内容的不可伪造的数字签名,这是通过使用它的私钥由发布方创建的。
quality confirmation issued and signed by authorised person(s) of applicant(whose signature must be conform with that held in your file)
qualityconfirmation发行和签署被授权与申请者的人 (s)(谁的签字一定是由于那使一致在你的文件中拿着)
The Directors may authorise certificates to be issued with the seal and authorised signature (s) affixed by some method or system of mechanical process.
The legal documents to be issued shall be in two copies, one for the applicant and one for the signature of the agency, which shall be retained by the agency.
出具的法律文书应当一式两份,一份发给申请人,一份由经办人签字后由许可机关留存。 。
Block 11 Issued By -enter the printed name, signature, and title of the issuing party and date.
Block 11 Issued By -enter the printed name, signature, and title of the issuing party and date.