To do this, you have the option of issuing a command in command CLP or in a guided GUI wizard.
Online backup occurs either when any or all online table spaces are put into online backup mode by issuing a command Alter Tablespace ts_name Begin Backup.
通过执行命令“AlterTablespace ts_nameBeginBackup”,将任何或所有联机表空间置于联机备份模式来启动联机备份。
In DB2 EEE, issuing a simple command from the DB2 command Line Processor (CLP) prompt creates the database.
在DB 2EEE中,可从DB 2命令行处理器(CLP)提示符发出一个简单命令来创建数据库。
Issuing another show connections; command displays the only currently open connection, but you also see that you don't have a current connection.
Most of the monitor counters are cumulative, reflecting the total count of a particular activity since the last snapshot monitor reset within your session from which you are issuing your db2 command.
多数监控器的计数器是累计的,反映从您的会话(您从中发布db 2命令)中最后一次快照监控器复位起的具体活动的总数。
The profile data displayed for each server is the same information you would be by issuing a CDR view profile command from the command line.
If you don't find a spelling error, check that the file really is where it's supposed to be by issuing a dir command like the one shown here.
You can convert the replicate definition of rep1 to a master replicate by issuing the following command.
If the data is issuing a delete command on a database row, make sure that you add limit 1 to the end of your statement to minimize damage.
can be run by issuing db2 -tf myscript.db2 from a DB2 command prompt.
可以通过从DB2命令提示符发出 db2 -tfmyscript.db2 来运行该文件。
Create a library called CVTTEMP in which the program objects will be stored by issuing the CL command CRTLIB from the CL command line as follows.
For small tables, issuing the RUNSTATS command would be a trivial task.
Again, you can verify that by issuing a SELECT statement in the DB2 Command Line window.
同样,可以通过在DB 2命令行窗口中发出select语句来对此进行验证。
As a precaution, check that IP forwarding on these systems is OFF by issuing the following command.
Once the commands finish executing, you can check to see if CouchDB is running by issuing a ps -eaf command.
命令执行结束后,您可以通过发出ps -eaf命令来检查CouchDB是否已经正常运行。
The customized prompt can be altered by exiting the CLP interactive mode (issue the QUIT command), and then issuing the db2set command again, specifying a different string.
This connection URL should look familiar — it's exactly what you used in previous articles when issuing a connect command in the ij tool.
Save the above source into a file called myenv.c, and then compile it by issuing the command.
将上面的代码保存到文件myenv . c中,然后发出以下命令进行编译。
This can be done by issuing the db2 rollforward command with the stop or complete parameter to bring the database into a consistent state.
这可以通过带stop或complete参数发出db 2rollforward命令,从而将数据库带到一致(consistent)状态来实现。
Can be run by issuing myfile from a Windows DB2 command prompt.
可以通过从WindowsDB 2命令提示符发出myfile来运行该文件。
Incomplete recovery will require a reset of the logs by issuing Alter Database Open Resetlogs command.
不完全恢复将要求通过发出AlterDatabaseOpen Resetlogs命令来重新设置日志。
The best way to specify a different buffer size is to issue the db2trc command before starting the instance (that is, before issuing the db2start command).
指定不同的缓冲区大小的最好方法是在启动实例之前(也就是在发出db2start命令之前)发出db 2 trc命令。
You can directly obtain a sub-menu by issuing the following options along with dbaccess command.
When you add a document, it is validated for correct XML syntax. Now you can retrieve this document by issuing the command.
The first port contacts the server on port 21, but instead of then issuing a PORT command and allowing the server to connect back to its data port, the client will issue the PASV command.
As our command text is a query, by issuing, it would return a set of rows which we should store somewhere.
The result of this measurement will be placed in the DS18B20's scratch-pad memory, and may be read by issuing a memory function command which reads the contents of the scratchpad memory.
The result of this measurement will be placed in the DS18B20's scratch-pad memory, and may be read by issuing a memory function command which reads the contents of the scratchpad memory.